Year 7 History Model Competition 2024

The annual year 7 ‘Model History Competition’ has once again revealed the incredible creativity and imagination of our students. Submissions to the competition included castles, a Tudor house, a Viking longboat and a gruesome Ruth Ellis inspired model. However, the winners of the competition were:

1st Prize – Evie S for her outstanding model of the sinking of the Titanic

2nd Prize – Violet C for a superb model of Stonehenge.

3rd Prize – Niamh C for an excellent working model of a trebuchet.

If you would like to have a closer look at these superb history models, please come to room 37!

Mr Herbert

Associate Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader for History


On Thursday 28th March, 41 Year 10 students accompanied Mr Bretherton, Miss Lee, Miss Parker, Mr Bowles and I on a trip to Krakow in Poland. Contrary to my gloomy predictions, the weather was glorious throughout our stay, which made sightseeing in the city a real joy. That said, our main purpose was to visit places associated with the Holocaust, in which approximately 6 million Jewish people lost their lives.

Our students can tell you more about our visit:

Day 1

The flight was good with no disruptions. The Hotel Wyspianski was superb, well-appointed and centrally located. The breakfast was delicious.

The food at Invito restaurant was delicious and it was amazing how well they catered for people with allergies and intolerances. The staff were polite and welcoming. It was a perfect start to the trip.

Day 2

Visiting Auschwitz was a truly educational and eye-opening experience – it’s unfathomable the amount of destruction which was caused during that period, and it was important to see and learn about the atrocities caused. As the saying goes, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” One exhibition in the camp which stood out to me was a room which contained shaved hair from those who were imprisoned in Auschwitz during the Second World War. The sheer volume of hair really puts into perspective the scale of violence which occurred in the camp. The tour was led by a guide who was very knowledgeable about the history of Auschwitz and Birkenau, and she happily answered all our questions.

The sheer size of the concentration camp was unbelievable and the number of deaths were hard to get your head round. The living conditions of the victims were extremely poor; they were cramped and incredibly unhygienic. We saw the remains of the gas chambers/crematoriums and a memorial dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust. I think everyone was very respectful and appreciated the history behind the camp. 

As part of the trip, we took a trip to Schindler’s factory and I have to say, it was fascinating. All the rooms were coordinated to real life places during the war e.g. Schindler’s office, a remake of the walls surrounding the ghetto and we even saw some of the pots and pans which were made for soldiers during the war in Schindler’s factory. The tour guide was incredibly informative and we even found out some details about her life during the period after WW2. It was a fantastic experience and definitely something I would like to do again in the future.

That evening, we went to a new restaurant and had a tomato soup with pasta pieces in it which was delicious. For the main course, we had mash, breaded chicken and coleslaw which was lovely (Mr Bowles ate three platefuls of the coleslaw)! For dessert, we had ice cream cake, which was also gorgeous.

Day 3

On Saturday morning, we visited the Galicia Jewish Museum. There were lots of photos of Jews who had lost their families. It was interesting to read about what happened and it brought home how sad it was. I can’t imagine being discriminated against for who you are. It was so unfair to be judged because of your race or religion.

On Saturday afternoon, we visited Kraków’s old town. In the main square there were a variety of markets selling souvenirs, magnets, Easter baskets and food. The buildings in the square were impressively tall and they housed many restaurants and shops. We had fun buying souvenirs at the market stalls and looking around at the traditional Polish items.

The old castle in the centre of Krakow had beautiful scenery and a lovely walk up to it. There were plenty of things to discover and it was a gorgeous historic building.

Some of the students took the opportunity to take a buggy ride tour around the Kazimierz district with Mr Bretherton. After some impressive haggling by Mr Bretherton, (he manged to knock 200 zloty of the price!) we visited lots of historic landmarks, educating us on the history behind the town. We were able to see the Christian and Jewish areas to see the differences between their lifestyles. 

Afterwards, our group headed to the flea market where we were able to enjoy delicious traditional Polish Zapiekanki (baguettes with hot, savoury toppings). This was absolutely delicious. Finally, while we were walking back to the old town we were able to walk past the iconic street that was used as a backdrop for a scene from Schindler’s List, where a mum and a daughter ran down some stairs to escape the Nazis. 

The Galicia restaurant was one of my highlights of the trip. The atmosphere in the restaurant was comforting and warm. The roast potatoes were crispy and the pork was perfectly cooked. The staff were very friendly. I loved this restaurant.

Overall it was an amazing trip, where we made memories that will last us a lifetime.

Mr Ramsdale

Senior Assistant Headteacher

Student Work in History

Students have been working hard in their history lessons learning about a range of different topics and eras. Year 7 students have recently been working hard learning about people who rebelled against medieval kings, including Thomas Becket’s quarrel with Henry II. Year 8 students have been studying the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Preston, and year 9 pupils have been learning why and how the Holocaust happened. Year 10 students are making good progress through the GCSE course and have completed their study of USA 1910-1929 and are now learning about the reign of Elizabeth I. Year 11s have finished their final unit, Germany 1919-1991 and are preparing for the final exams in May/June.

Mr Herbert,

Associate Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader for History

Year 10 Trip to Krakow, Poland

At the end of this half term, 42 students in year 10 will visit Krakow in Poland, staying for three nights. As part of the trip, students will spend a whole day visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau, used by the Nazis as a death camp during the Second World War. There will also be opportunities for students to explore Krakow old town and the parts of the city built during its communist era. Look forward to reading all about their visit in a future newsletter.

Mr Herbert

History Department

Year 7 Model History Competition

During the STEM festival, the History Department launched the year 7 Model History Competition for the second year running. Students are invited submit a history model of their choosing. Last year’s models included a model of Elizabeth, Viking longboats, medieval swords, castles, a WW1 trench, a 1969 NASA rocket launch and even a replica French Revolution era guillotine! The deadline for submissions is the end of term, and winning entries will receive history themed prizes! 

Mr Herbert

History Department

Year 7 Hereward the Wake Project

As part of their study of William I’s conquest of England in 1066, Year 7 students have been learning about Anglo-Saxon resistance led by legendary rebel, Hereward the Wake. In lessons, students discovered the causes of Hereward’s rebellion against William in 1070 and the exciting story of how he was eventually betrayed by monks from a local monastery, surrounded by Norman knights and killed in dramatic fashion in the Fens. Students were given the homework task to create models, poems and artwork representing Hereward’s epic resistance against William the Conqueror. Here is a selection of some of the best submissions, including a Hereward the Wake cake!

Mr Herbert

Associate Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader for History

Holocaust Memorial Week

Holocaust education features significantly in the history curriculum at PGHS. Students in Year 9 are currently studying in-depth about how and why the holocaust happened. As part of their unit on Germany 1919-1991, Year 11 students study the topic as part of their GCSE studies. This year, students in Years 9 and 10 watched a live webcast with a holocaust survivor which was organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust. Hedi Argent, born in Vienna in 1929, gave a fascinating and eloquent testimony of her experiences of the holocaust and how her family had been brutally persecuted both before and during the Nazi regime came to power in the 1930s. Hedi shared her experiences of persecution and discrimination from a very early age and how she witnessed the Jewish pogrom on Kristallnacht, in 1938. If you would like to read more about Hedi and her experience of the Nazi persecution of Jews, please click here: Hedi Argent | The National Holocaust Centre and Museum, or to watch her testimony, please click here:

In March, 42 Year 10 students will attend a history trip to Krakow, Poland to learn more about the Nazi persecution of the Jewish people. The trip will include a full day tour of Auschwitz-Birkenau, a visit to the Jewish quarter of Krakow and the Schindler Factory museum. You will be able to read more about their experiences on their return.

Mr Herbert

Associate Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader for History

Year 11 History Trip to France and Belgium

The 2023 France and Belgium trip was a huge success and every student got to experience life changing monuments and experiences. From exploring preserved trenches and World War cemeteries, watching the military bands performing at the last post and playing games of pool at the Munchenhof Hostel, we all had an amazing time while also displaying interest and curiosity on the historical tours of places like Theipval Memorial and the Sanctuary Wood Museum in Ypres. Before going on the trip, I was really looking forward to experiencing all of these historically significant sites and I wanted to learn more about the individual experiences of the soldiers who bravely fought during both World Wars. This is exactly what we did. I found this trip moving and I feel that I now fully understand the importance of Remembrance Day to celebrate the bravery of the soldiers who passed while serving their country. India 

There we so many Belgium chocolate shops in Bruges and I tried a real Belgium waffle with chocolate which was really good. I also got a Bruges snow globe that I’m now obsessed with. Later, we went to the medieval torture museum which was really interesting, but some of them made my skin crawl! Hannah 

During our visit to Bruges, we went shopping in the town centre. It was very beautiful and full of tourists. We also went to visit a Medieval Torture Museum with replicas of many of the torture devices used. This was very interesting to learn about and to see. Aiza

For the first 2 nights in Belgium, we stayed at the Munchenhof Hostel. This was a good experience as we had a block to ourselves meaning we could have fun socialising with friends in our rooms and could play pool in the common area. Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable experience. Anya

Visiting Sanctuary Wood and the Hill 62 Museum was incredibly impactful. I felt like I was living how the soldiers were living in those times. Even though we talk about it in class and look at pictures, it’s not the same as being there in the moment and standing where the late soldiers stood. I feel like Sanctuary Wood and the museum was one of my favourite places as it gave me a greater insight, especially all the old stereograph pictures. Bismah

Sanctuary Wood was a unique and fascinating experience. It was great to visit such a well-preserved WWI trench and be given the ability to put into perspective the lives that many soldiers had during 1914-1918. The museum attached showed well-kept pictures and artefacts found and used during the war. Overall, it created a great sense of empathy and sadness towards the people involved in the war and it was amazing to be able to visit on Remembrance Day.  Erin

Sanctuary Wood was a very special part of the trip because it showed preserved trenches from the war and it reflected how the soldiers on the front line were living. Walking in the trenches showed how much they fought for us in the war. We also observed a 2-minute silence during our visit to the Sanctuary Wood and we conveyed our respects to the soldiers at the front line. Mariyah

We visited Essex Farm which was where soldiers were taken from the trenches when they got injured and is also where the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ was written. We also visited a cemetery where the youngest person known to go to war was buried; he was 15 years old and had lied that he was 18. Sophie

Our visit to Ypres was great fun. We got to go and explore the town centre and experience local foods. There were many chocolate shops which is something Belgium is known for. The sweet treats did not disappoint!   Alexis

Upon our second day in Belgium, we visited the atmospheric and beautiful city of Ypres! We had our own free time to spend in the market square, and we saw the impressive architecture of St Martin’s cathedral. Me and friends had lunch in a friendly Italian, and bought some authentic Belgium chocolate from a traditional chocolatier in the square! Mya

In Ypres, we stopped for lunch and had a walk around the town centre. Many of us bought some chocolate and had food from some of the local shops. We came back to Ypres later and attended the Menin Gate ceremony. Gemma

The ceremony at Tyne Cot was very beautiful because all the people there were in silence, paying respect to the soldiers that died in the war. There was music being played while we stood. It was amazing to be part of such a beautiful moment. Mia  

As we approached Tyne Cot, it was emotional for some as we thought about all the people who fought for their country. We were handed a piece of paper with a person who fought in the war on and had to locate where they were in the cemetery. Once we found it, we placed the writing down next to the gravestone and payed our respects to all the soldiers who fought for their country. Tyne Cot is a symbolic and special place for many people. Ella 

Tyne Cot Memorial was a British memorial that contained the names and graves of over 11,000 servicemen of the First World War. We were given the task to find a grave and place a profile and picture of the person in front of their grave. The majority of the graves were placed in rows, but towards the centre the graves were placed where the men died. It was an emotional experience as we got to look around the memorial and look at the ages that soldiers died and their backgrounds. Charlotte

Whilst we were at our visit to Tyne Cot, the British Ambassador was there. We watched the ceremony take place where the different groups of soldiers and cadets marched through playing instruments of military music. They then saluted and paid their respects in the centre of the cemetery with a crowd around them. Freya

During the visit to the Tyne Cot cemetery in Belgium, we all had information about different soldiers who died in the war and were instructed to place their information with a portrait of them next to their gravestone. Whilst doing this, there was also a mini ceremony with many people who came to pay their respects, including the Royal family of Belgium. Overall, it was an interesting and sentimental experience. Ismah

It was amazing to see the different military branches come together to remember the fallen from the First World War at Tyne Cot. Hundreds of people came from the local area and further away. Isobelle

Langemark cemetery was a very different experience from the other cemeteries. It was very saddening to see how many Germans were left in the same grave. The most heart-breaking fact was the large pit that 30,000 Germans were put in. Victoria

Witnessing the Last Post Ceremony was extraordinary. The ceremony pays tribute to those who lost their life due to war, and many people had the opportunity to lay a wreath. There were lots of instruments being played including brass instruments and a violin. It was a very sentimental ceremony and made everyone see the power of unity. Everyone was there for one reason and showed respect. Vanika

The wreath laying at the Menin Gate was really enjoyable because I have never experienced it before and it was a big honour for me personally. I had a great time watching all the bands marching through. Seeing the support from my friends and people around me, made it even more enjoyable. Sai

During the evening on our second day, we were able to attend the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate. I was fortunate enough to lay a wreath during the ceremony which was a huge privilege and a very special way to pay our respects as a school to the soldiers who lost their lives. This was an emotional event surrounded by soldiers, veterans and many other people who may have lost loved ones in wars, so this opportunity is one I am very grateful for and feel very lucky to have experienced.  Lily

I felt honoured to be able to stand by such well respected veterans of the armed forces and first responders from all over the world on such a monumental day. It was awe-inspiring to see people from every walk of life and people from all over the world celebrate those who fought so bravely and sacrificed so much for the freedom of others. The ceremony at the Menin Gate will forever hold a special place in my heart as both a commemoration and a time of mourning for those we lost and for that I will forever be thankful. Alex 

The German cemetery was a key experience because it showed the different layout and the approach they chose to take. The difference between the Tyne Cot cemetery is how they have gravestones in the shape of a square and laid flat. They had a statue of 4 men which was very moving and there are 30,000 people buried in a pit. Maisie

When we visited the German Cemetery ‘Langemark’, everyone was really struck by how different it was to the British, French, Belgian and Canadian places of remembrance we’d already visited. The graves were marked with multiple names that only bore their date of death. Furthermore, the monument that depicted four German soldiers grieving their comrades, brought to heart the cruelty of the war and the mass amounts of suffering that both sides encountered.     Alice W

Newfoundland Park was a fascinating experience and one of my favourite parts of the whole trip. We had a tour around the battlefield and walked through the remains of some trenches. It was incredibly interesting and eye opening and I’m very grateful to have had the chance to see it. Izzy

The Thiepval Memorial is an enormous and imposing structure, filled with all the names of the British soldiers whose bodies were never found. It was surreal to see just how many people had passed away, and how many families would have suffered because of it. It was beautiful to see they will be remembered and respected forever. Ellie

The Theipval monument to the missing soldiers was a shocking sight to see. 72,000 soldiers that after the war hadn’t been seen or found are named on the monument. The magnificent structure shows the impact that their help had on our country and that they won’t be forgotten. it really made us understand the importance of each and every member of our army and the sacrifices made to be what we are today. Freya

Visiting the Thiepval Memorial was a heart-breaking experience; seeing over 72,000 names engraved upon the walls was devastating. The stories we learnt about of some of the soldiers were interesting but also upsetting. Overall, the experience was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I’m grateful for those who fought for us and sadly died. Lucy

The Holiday Inn in Arras was a ten out of ten experience!  Everyone was so kind and we had such an enjoyable time there. Not to mention the incredible breakfast. Overall, the best hotel I have visited! Layla

For our final night, we went to a restaurant called “Caesar Saveurs”, where we enjoyed an entrée, main and dessert. The dinner had options for vegetarians and we were all satisfied with the food. For a starter, we had an egg salad garnished with greens and different sauces. For the main, we had burgers with chips, or pasta with vegetables as the vegetarian option. For dessert, we had chocolate cake with ice cream. Overall, the food, atmosphere and service were very lovely, as the waiting on staff were happy to accommodate when asked to bring out a special piece of cake and take song suggestions as we were celebrating my birthday. They then joined in with dancing and adding to the lively atmosphere already created. Lara

The Wellington tunnels were amazing to see. We learnt a lot whilst there about the war, and it really made us think about how the soldiers suffered terribly. Keisha

Our battlefields trip to Belgium and France was enjoyed by students and teachers alike, as the whole group visited numerous sites and were educated about the trials and triumphs of the First World War. In Belgium, we had the opportunity to pay our respects to the fallen soldiers of all nationalities at Tyne Cot, Langemark, and the Menin Gate. Some of our classmates took part in the honour of laying a wreath in remembrance. We were also given the opportunity to explore the cultural centres of Bruges and Ypres, where we shopped, visited monuments and ate the local cuisine! The success and enjoyment of the trip was entirely due to the efforts of the teachers who accompanied us, and the trip has created long-lasting memories for the whole group. Libby

Mr Herbert

Curriculum Leader for History

Year 7 Viking Treasure Hunt

Mr Bretherton led a Year 7 history session on Vikings, which included a treasure hunt using the students newly discovered knowledge of runes. Students were provided with an insight into Norse world and the runic alphabet. They then had to work in groups to discover the clues hidden around school which the students did in impressive speed. Students enjoyed learning more about Viking culture which fitted in well with both the Languages and Literature Festival and the year 7 history curriculum.

Mr Herbert

Curriculum Leader for History

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  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award