It is my privilege as Headteacher of Penwortham Girls’ High School to welcome you to our successful, and vibrant school. Founded in 1954, Penwortham Girls’ is a well-established comprehensive school which enjoys a unique status as the only non-selective, non-fee-paying girls’ school in Lancashire. We are a small, friendly, and diverse school community where everyone receives a warm welcome.
Penwortham Girls’ has an exceptional and committed staff, who together with extremely supportive parents and governors, work to ensure the best possible education for every student. We have high levels of ambition for our students and there is a strong focus on academic achievement, which derives from high quality teaching and a challenging and exciting curriculum.
Central to our ethos are our six core values: compassion, resilience, dignity, ambition, curiosity, and social responsibility. These principles permeate every facet of school life, offering our students a multitude of opportunities to grow into articulate, questioning, tolerant, and independent young women. Our students, who serve as outstanding ambassadors for our school, exhibit remarkable levels of respect and support for one another, fostering an environment that encourages personal growth and achievement.
As an inclusive community that values diversity, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional education to all students, regardless of their background. Our exceptional pastoral care ensures that the well-being of our students remains at the forefront of everything we do. Furthermore, we take immense pride in the wide array of extracurricular activities available to our students, enabling them to develop their individual personalities and acquire valuable employability skills.
I am immensely proud to serve as the Headteacher of such a unique and successful school. I invite you to explore our school website, where you will witness firsthand the exciting range of activities we offer, as well as the remarkable achievements of our students.
Mrs Sharon Hall
Head Girl
Hi! I’m Hattie. I have had the honour to be appointed in the role of Head Girl. I will do everything that I can to be an ambassador for the school and its values. Throughout my time at PGHS, I have been able to progress in many areas, both academically but also through my involvement in various clubs. My goal is to be a role model for younger students and to help any student who may need it. I aspire to be a connection between the staff and my peers and will work tirelessly with my deputies, Sophie and Elizabeth, to make our amazing school even better.
Deputy Head Girls
Hello! My name is Sophie and I’m honoured to have been appointed as Deputy Head Girl at PGHS. This school has enabled me to build my confidence, and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without attending Penwortham Girls’. I’ve had so many opportunities which have allowed me to grow both academically and as an individual. I’m delighted to be given the chance to help the school continue to provide students with options to help them achieve. I hope to make everyone proud whilst in this role, and I can’t wait to work alongside staff and students in the welcoming community our school provides.
Hi! I’m Elizabeth and I’m honoured to have been selected as one of the Deputy Head Girls for the academic year 2024/2025. I started my Penwortham Girls’ journey during the pandemic, and the school has continued to support me and has provided me with numerous opportunities. PGHS strives to ensure students feel valued and heard whilst being challenged academically to achieve the best they can. I have been pushed to reach my full potential throughout all aspects of school life. The school core values are a vital aspect of PGHS as they are unique to our school and they ground us as a community. I’m looking forward to being able to work with my peers and teachers to make a great contribution to the school community.
Student Leadership Team:
Hello, I’m Elizabeth and I work alongside Mrs Hall as leader of the Respect Council in school. Our aim is to promote respect and equality throughout all aspects of PGHS. To begin with, we’re going to encourage as many people as possible to take part in the 30 days kindness challenge. I’m looking forward to working with everyone to make PGHS a place where you can thrive and achieve your full potential, no matter your background, beliefs, or situation.
Hello, my name is Hattie and I am a part of our Student Leadership Team. I represent the Participation sector and I work alongside Mrs Honeyman to encourage and promote taking advantage of all the clubs and opportunities PGHS has to offer. I want to encourage all students to fully involve themselves and make the most of their experience here.
Hello, I am Chloe and I am working with Mr Herbert on the Charity section of the Student Leadership Team. In this role, I hope to show charities just how generous and kind the school is whether that be through raising awareness or by holding events to raise money for various different charities. I hope to make a difference in this role and establish great relationships with many different organisations. I hope I can use my past experiences as a tool to help lead this group in making the best decisions when it comes to what we do.
Hello! I’m Eden and I work alongside Mrs Woodhouse and a group of keen Year 8 students on the Teaching and Learning Action Team. I look forward to encouraging reading around school, and also providing the student body with the resources they need to reach their full potential inside and outside of lessons. I want every pupil at PGHS to get the same benefit out of learning that I do, and hope to promote an even greater positive attitude towards the classroom!
Hello, my name is Faye and I work alongside Mr. Ward on the Environmental Council. We aim to promote environmental awareness and contribute to creating a more environmentally conscious and sustainable school community. I hope I can work together with everybody on the Council to successfully help make our school a better place.
Hello, my name is Vidhya, and I am honoured to be the representative for the ‘Revision for All’ council on the Student Leadership Team. I understand that revision can be a tough and intimidating task for many, so alongside Mrs Sweeney, we want to help students in overcoming these obstacles and discovering the best ways to revise. Our main aim is to ensure that support and guidance is available to everyone, so that they can achieve their academic goals here, at PGHS.
Hello, my name is Sophie and I am proud to represent the Happy Minds Council on the Student Leadership Team. I work alongside Mr Ramsdale, and we aim to promote a positive outlook on mental health, and help every student feel comfortable to talk about it. I want everyone at PGHS to feel reassured that their problems are heard, and that they can seek help, should they need it.
Hello, my name is Rosie and I work alongside Mrs Cattanach on the Creative Minds Council. We work to encourage students to get involved in the creative subjects of Art, Drama, Dance and Music at PGHS. I hope to promote, and expand, the creative arts clubs and events that PGHS has to offer, including school productions and the annual Performing Arts Festival. There are so many benefits to taking part in the creative subjects and I want to make sure as many students as possible get involved.