As a school we take bullying and its impacts seriously. Pupils and parents should be assured that known incidents of bullying will be responded to immediately. Bullying, in any form, will not be tolerated. The school will seek ways to counter the effects of bullying that may occur within school or in the local community. The ethos of our school fosters high expectations of outstanding behaviour and we will consistently challenge any behaviour that falls below this.
As a school community we take every opportunity to promote a safe, harmonious and tolerant environment in which behaviours associated with bullying are alien and not accepted. At PGHS we encourage all our pupils at all times to be ‘safe, sensible and sensitive’.
Building positive friendships and appropriately responding to disagreements and fallouts are topics covered through our Life Skills curriculum and pastoral programmes (e.g. assemblies). As a school we promote and actively take part in a number of national initiatives aimed at tackling bullying, including the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s Odd Socks Day, intended to celebrate the differences which make our school community so diverse, vibrant and enriching.