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Welcome to the History Department at PGHS

Mr Herbert

Curriculum Leader for History

I am delighted to have joined PGHS as Head of History at such an exciting and successful period in the school’s history. I have always been fascinated with past events and people and love to visit historical sites both in Britain and abroad. I always aim to enthuse my students with interesting and exciting historical topics and lessons and I find it immensely rewarding to help students reach their full potential in this fascinating subject. 17th Century British History was my main focus when studying at the University of Durham however recently I have been researching lots of 20th Century history topics by reading the books of well respected historians such as Anthony Beevor, Niall Ferguson and Anne Applebaum. The study of history can sometimes be daunting because of its complexity and challenge, but when in doubt be inspired by the great US President Theodore Roosevelt: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there’!

Mr Ramsdale

Senior Assistant Headteacher

I’ve taught at PGHS since 2009. I originally came as the Head of History but since then I’ve become an Senior Assistant Headteacher. Needless to say, teaching History will always be my biggest passion and the most rewarding part of my job. I want everyone I teach to take History at GCSE and I aim to make every lesson as interesting and enjoyable as I can. My aim is to turn every girl at PGHS into a History Geek, like me. Wherever I go in Britain or abroad I am always looking out for old buildings and clues to the past. Recently, I went to Turkey and whilst there visited a Roman amphitheatre – amazing! My A Level and Degree background has certainly shaped my interests in History; I’ve specialised in British and American History with a focus on society, politics, culture and ideas. I’ve also studied and taught British and American Politics and a little Art History too. In recent years I’ve also become much more interested in Russian history. I’m an avid reader and on coming back from a school trip to Germany and Poland I’ve been reading extensively about the Nazi regime and the Second World War. I also enjoy reading historical fiction with my two boys (they’re becoming History Geeks too!).

Mr Bretherton

Teacher of History

I am delighted to have joined the History Department at Penwortham Girls’. Already, I have been impressed by the fantastic apprentice historians I have met in my classes and I am looking forward to taking you all through the exciting curriculum we have here. I have been fascinated by history for as long as I can remember. This fascination began with the stories passed down to me from my parents and grandparents when I was a small child. Ever since, I’ve been a little bit obsessed about the past and enjoy nothing more than thinking, reading and talking about people and events from long ago. I studied History at the University of Liverpool with a specific focus on modern political history, particularly the Presidency of the United States. More recently, I have read much around German and Irish history. I also like to travel to places I’ve studied with Berlin and Washington, DC being two particular favourites. When I’ve not got my head in a history book, I also enjoy running, walking and reading novels.

“History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days.”

Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister

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Our department brings the past to life; instilling a genuine passion for learning about the past through inspirational teaching and encouraging as many pupils as possible to continue their studies of this endlessly fascinating subject at GCSE level and beyond.

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Curriculum Information


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award