This information is intended to provide clarity to parents and carers about when home learning may be offered to pupils not attending school, and what to expect if this provision is accepted.
A remote curriculum is not a substitute for face-to-face in-class learning. Research shows that young people grow, thrive and progress best when they are regularly attending school. As such, home learning is only ever considered as a last resort.
Home learning is only made available in exceptional circumstances when a pupil is well enough to learn but is unable to attend school. For example, home learning would be considered when:
Please note, home learning is not available to:
Home learning will only ever be offered for a predefined, temporary period of time. Home learning will be regularly reviewed, to ensure it remains appropriate for the individual. We strive to keep home learning periods as short of possible, welcoming the pupil back to school at the earliest appropriate opportunity.
The remote curriculum offered will reflect the pupil’s individual circumstances. In most cases, a bespoke reduced curriculum will be provided through consultation with the pupil, parents/cares and any professionals/external services involved. For example, a pupil receiving home education due to an ongoing health issue, may complete a remote curriculum which priorities core subjects, English and Maths.
Home learning may take numerous forms, including the provision of lesson resources (e.g. PowerPoints and worksheets, textbooks, and work booklets, as well as access to online sites (such as Sparx Maths, Bedrock, and the Oak Academy). Where appropriate, the pupil may be offered the opportunity to join lessons through Microsoft Teams. Completed work should be returned to school for marking and review by the individual’s class teachers.
If your daughter is unable to access an online site required for the completion of a set task, she should email her class teacher immediately. All staff emails at PGHS follow the same structure: NB: Your daughter’s teacher will only respond to emails which have been sent from your daughter’s school email address.
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home to complete their agreed remote curriculum. If you are unable to access work due to a lack of hardware or limited internet connection, please contact school by phoning 01772 743399 to arrange alternative provision. In some cases, school may be a position to lend the necessary equipment. When this is not possible, textbooks and printed materials will be provided.
The Parents’ Guide to Homelife & Study.pdf
Acceptable use of ICT Pupil Agreement.pdf
How to access your school email
Wellbeing Tracker on Class Charts.pdf
Ofsted Guidance on Remote Education