Relationships Education, Sex Education, Physical Health, Mental Well-being
At Penwortham Girls ‘High School, we understand the importance of educating students about sex, relationships, and their health, for them to make responsible and well-informed decisions in their lives.
This is mainly incorporated into the Life skills curriculum. It has the core purpose of educating students about the society that they are growing up in and provides them with the opportunity to develop and grow personally. Students will know more, remember more and understand more about how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both as a child and as an adult within the future. It allows us to promote and demonstrate our core values and how they apply to everyday life and wider society.
Life skills covers the statutory components of RSHE, Citizenship, futures and education in safeguarding in an age-appropriate way. Statutory RE is also taught at KS4.
For more details on the statutory component, you can view our RSE and health education policy and also statutory guidance: Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.
Students have one timetabled lesson a week of Life Skills.