A Typical Day

These are the timings of a typical day at Penwortham Girls’:

8.45am: Arrive at school

8.50am: Registration in your form room

9.10am: Lesson 1

10.10am: Break

10.30am: Lesson 2

11.30am: Lesson 3

12.30pm: Lunch

1.20pm: Lesson 4

2.20pm: Lesson 5

3.20pm: End of the school day

3.30pm: School buses depart

These are some of the things you should do at these times:

The Dining Room is open from 8.15am each morning and is supervised every morning by a member of staff. Once inside you can buy some breakfast and chat with your friends. You access the Dining Room at this time by the red fire door near Reception.

8.45am: If you haven’t already been in the Dining Room you should arrive at school around 8.45am. If you have a mobile phone it should not been seen on the school site. At this point you should go to your locker to put in your coat and any valuables and then go to your form room with everything you need for Period 1. You may wish to visit the toilet then too.

8.50am: At 8.50am it is Registration in your form room each morning. During form time you should listen carefully to your tutor for messages about activities you can get involved in. In Year 7 you will also have Peer Counsellors to chat to and support you with settling in.

9.10am: Lesson 1: At this point you move directly to your Lesson 1 classroom.

10.10am: Break: At break this is your opportunity to buy a snack from the Dining Room or eat a snack you have brought with you and chat with your friends. You should also nip to the toilet – no need to ask during break! Finally, make sure you have everything you need for Period 2 and 3 as there will be no opportunity to visit your locker again until lunch time. 

10.30am: Lesson 2: Towards the end of break (Approximately 10.27am) a warning bell will sound and this is your signal to move straight to your next lesson. At the end of Period/Lesson 2 you will then move directly to Lesson 3.

11.30am: Lesson 3: This is the final lesson before lunch.

12.30pm: Lunch: When lunchtime starts we advise you to go to the toilet and wash your hands. Once this is done, if you are buying your lunch in school, you will need to put your bag in your locker before joining the queue to buy your lunch at the Courtyard Café or in the Dining Room. Bags are not allowed in either of these places due to space and the risk of knocking hot food all over each other! Once you have either your packed lunch from your bag or lunch from school you may meet up with friends and eat together. All hot food must be eaten in the Dining Room but your packed lunch friends may join you there. If you are all on packed lunches or have purchased food from the Courtyard Café then you can eat on the picnic benches outside if it is a nice day. After you have eaten your lunch there are lots of extra-curricular activities for you to join in with. We want you to be a participator and join in – it is a fantastic way to meet new friends and also learn new skills. At 1.15pm another bell will sound to signal the end of lunch. At this point you may visit your locker and collect all the things you need for Lessons 4 and 5. You are not allowed to visit lockers in between Lessons 4 and 5.

1.20pm: Lesson 4: Enjoy taking part in another lesson now you have had a bite to eat!

2.20pm: Lesson 5: Final lesson of the day!

3.20pm: End of the school day: At this point it is important not to get in a flap! You have 10 minutes to visit your locker and get everything you need and even time to nip to the toilet again. If you are getting a school bus it will not leave until 3.30pm. If your parents are collecting you then it is a good idea to arrange a place to meet them either in car or on foot. They are not allowed to pick you up from inside the school grounds as when the whole school leaves there are too many people around. If you cannot find your parent then you must come back into school reception or inform the member of staff on duty. We do not want any pupil going with anyone a parent does not know about and getting lost. Once outside the school grounds you may take your phone out and use this if parents have requested you to do so. Please do not be distracted by this. Stand at the safe side of the footpath to use it – do not use it whilst walking as this is dangerous.

3.30pm: School buses depart or extra-curricular activities begin. If you do wish to stay behind for an extra-curricular activity or club this is great. All we ask is that you have told your parents you are doing this and that they collect you from school once this is finished especially when the evenings are darker.

When you start school you will be given a planner which has pages for you to note your timetable down, any notes you wish to make regarding homework, a map, and even a mini whiteboard.

You will copy your timetable into your planner and it will look like the picture below. You can write in the subject, the initials of the teacher and the room you will be in for that lesson.  We have created a little quiz for you to do below to get used to how it works. We have also put you a copy of a blank timetable underneath for you to print off and a copy of the school map. You could create your own timetable and have a look at some of the other rooms you could be in for those subjects. You could even set yourself the challenge of moving from one room to the next on the map.


Can you work out the lesson you will have:

  1. Monday Period 1?
  2. Tuesday Period 3?
  3. Wednesday Period 4?
  4. Thursday Period 2?
  5. Friday Period 5?

Answers: 1. Computing; 2. Maths; 3. Geography; 4. Science; 5. English.

School Map

School Plan 201920 COLOUR2.jpg
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award