Mrs M MossCurriculum Co-ordinator for Technology I have been a teacher of Design and Technology for over 16 years; the majority of my teaching years have been at another secondary school in Preston. Prior to becoming a teacher, I studied Fashion at UCLAN and then went on to work as a sportswear designer for a large company called Reebok, after several years in the industry I decided that teaching was for me and that is when I re-trained and did a PGCE in Design & Technology. I have a passion for creating, particularly in Textiles, I really believe studying a creative subject, such as DT, develops so many skills for young people, skills which can be applied to many different areas of our lives and help to enrich us. I look forward to many successful years at PGHS and hope to inspire many young people over the years to come. |
Miss ScottTeacher of Food Preparation and Nutrition Hello, I am Miss Scott. As the teacher of Food Preparation and Nutrition at PGHS, I hope to inspire, motivate and challenge students to achieve their full potential. I aim to provide opportunities within Food Preparation and Nutrition in the classroom and within extra-curricular activities, contributing to their moral, social and cultural education, as well as their academic achievement. Prior to completing my PGCE, I worked as a wedding planner and venue stylist. This particular experience and insight into catering and hospitality, allows me to easily convert curriculum tasks into real-life challenges giving purpose to learning. I feel it is important to encourage and inform students of the many careers available to them. The education of food is very important and I strongly believe it is a vital part of a student’s education. It gives them the power to take control of the food they eat and installs a healthy lifestyle that will last their lifetime. I am on a mission to get the students at PGHS growing more herbs, plants and vegetables and have a competition within the whole school to grow bay trees. This is just the start of working towards having our own sustainable food to use in the Food lessons at PGHS! Alongside this, myself and a selection of Year 9 students will be working with the ‘Bite Back School Food Champions’ programme to lead social action projects to improve the food provision and culture within the school and the local community. |
Mrs H EvansTechnology Technician |
In the Technology department, we aim to develop student’s resilience and passion in all of the material areas in Technology, whilst giving them the opportunity to create, innovate, design, make and evaluate a wide range of products and dishes fit for purpose.
In Technology, we believe students should be given the opportunity to explore a range of new and emerging technologies, whilst developing their skills in traditional methods and techniques. We want to create curious individuals, who are socially aware of the changes happening in today’s society, whilst respecting the needs of the current generation.
Technology is a fun, bustling subject, where students have the flexibility and ambition is try something new.
Technology (Product Design, Textiles and Food Technology) Curriculum Overview 2024 – 2025
KS3 Technology (Product Design, Textiles and Food Technology) Curriculum Overview 2024 – 2025
KS4 Technology (Product Design, Textiles and Food Technology) Curriculum Overview 2024 – 2025
Design and Technology Homework