Attendance Matters

The PGHS Attendance Target for all pupils is 97%

Our Attendance Team is:

SLT Attendance Champion is Mr Ward (

Attendance Improvement Worker is Lisa Risi (

Attendance Officer is Nicola Speariett (

Our approach to attendance – All children are entitled to receive a full-time education that allows them to reach their potential and live a fulfilling life. Being in school, and ready to learn, is crucial to a young persons’ attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances. The aim of this policy is to maximise pupil attendance, thereby leading to the best possible outcomes, academically and socially.

We believe that the highest rates of attendance are achieved when students feel they ‘belong’ to our community, and when they feel safe and happy in school. Our policy recognises that absence often results from a mix of complex factors, however, we believe that many of these barriers can be reduced through a genuine partnership between school, the absentee, and their parents.

Legal Duties and Responsibilities – The law entitles every child of compulsory school age to an efficient, full-time education suitable to their age, aptitude, and any special educational need they may have. It is the legal responsibility of every parent to make sure their child receives that education.

The Importance of Attendance – Great attendance is the first step towards success both within and beyond the classroom. National research and our data show a clear link between attendance, attainment and wellbeing. Students with regular absences are more likely to underperform in their studies, to self-report friendship issues and poor mental health, and are less likely to participate in clubs, performances and sporting activities, or attend trips and residentials.

The collaborative approach adopted by PGHS is rooted in the foundation principles of the DfE’s working together to improve attendance guidance. This documents outlines six stages of action needed to maximise attendance. They are:

Expect – All staff must aspire for high standards of attendance for all student groups, including PP and SEND. All staff must see the creation of a culture of belonging as one of their principle tasks in school. All staff must work to minimise absence at every possible opportunity.

Monitor – As a school we rigorously use attendance data to identify patterns of poor attendance and act quickly to address issues before they become entrenched.

Listen and understand – When a pattern of absence is spotted, we take the time to discuss our concerns with both the pupil and their parents, to listen to and understand the barriers reducing attendance. We acknowledge that causes of absence are often complex, and recognise that the individual may need additional support, both from within and beyond school, for their attendance to improve.

Facilitate voluntary support – In cases where the need for support is identified, we act in a timely manner to ensure the individual has access to the most appropriate services. In complex cases, this might include the offer of an Early Help plan.

Formalise support – Where absence persists and voluntary support is not working or not being engaged with, school will work with partners to implement more formal proceedings, these may include formalising support through an attendance contract or education supervision order. In cases where parents are facing legal action, a notice to improve will be issued.

Enforce – Where all other avenues have been exhausted and support is not working or not being engaged with, the young person’s right to an education will be enforced through a statutory attendance intervention, such as a penalty notice or prosecution.

Below is a summary of attendance policy as well as the full document.

  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award