Extra-Curricular Activities

After experiencing 18 months of restricted PE lessons and extra-curricular clubs due to COVID, we have been delighted to start our ‘traditional’ extra-curricular programme this half term. We have certainly missed the buzz and excitement that fixtures and clubs bring to our department. Participation rates in all clubs have been extremely high which we hope will continue to grow over the year ahead. This week we welcomed Leyland St Mary’s Y10 Netball team to PGHS to play our first fixture in over 18 months! The PGHS Y10 Netball team won 19-8 with Lola U being awarded the ‘oppositions player of the game’. A fantastic achievement by the whole team! I’m sure they have started our winning streak for our other year groups. The rest of our fixtures continue after the October half term and the Christmas holidays.  We can’t wait to see our girls shine in a competitive situation and we will certainly keep you all updated with our successes.

If you have not yet joined a PE club and would like to, please refer to the extra-curricular timetable below. We would love to see as many of our students participating as possible. Remember, attending extra-curricular clubs help you achieve your passport to success!

Mrs Naylor, Curriculum Leader for Performance, Sport & Health Faculty

Posted in PE

Year 7 Brass

Earlier in the term, Year 7 students had a fantastic assembly with Mr Crane, our brass teacher who, along with Mrs Cattanach and Isabel in Year 10, entertained the students with a number of pieces.  Students learnt the difference between the cornet, euphonium and trombone and were able to hear each of the different instruments in turn. Year 7 students were then encouraged to sign up to try out these instruments with Mr Crane.  There was a long list of keen and eager students and Mr Crane is working his way through these on a Monday morning when he is in school. 

If your daughter would like to learn a brass instrument, or indeed any other instrument, please complete the form on the school webpage: 

Music is back!

The Music department has been filling the corridors of the school with sound once more! What tremendous news this is!

Year 7 students have started learning all about rhythm and have recently been putting their newfound knowledge into practise by performing on the djembes! We know they can’t wait to add this to the song they have been learning this week too!

Year 8 students have been learning all about Music from the continent of Africa and you may have heard them singing two catchy songs around the house, ‘Si, Si, Si’ and ‘Babethandaza’. Year 8 have also been mastering their djembe skills, drumming whilst performing and this week, creating their own compositions. 

Year 9 students have been learning about Samba music. They have enjoyed creating lots of syncopated polyrhythms whilst trying to focus on maintaining a steady pulse. They too are now creating their own sambas and we look forward to hearing them next week. 

Mrs Cattanach, Curriculum Leader for Music

National Youth Jazz Orchestra

On Thursday 14th October we were lucky enough to be joined by Joe Brown and two members of the National Youth Jazz Orchestra. A number of Year 9, 10 and 11 students were able to take part in a fantastic Jazz workshop which enabled students to develop their improvisation skills whilst learning two Jazz standards. There wasn’t a page of sheet music in sight as all students were playing their notes from memory and joining in with the riffs that they had just learnt. Music was echoing around the corridors of school and it was a joy to be able to engage in workshops such as this again. A big thank you to Lancashire Music Service for sponsoring this event and providing our students with this opportunity. 

Students who enjoyed the session today, or indeed any young musician you know, is able to join in a follow up event on Saturday. It would be great if as many students as possible could go along.

Please see the details below: 

Lancashire NYJO Regional Academy

Saturday 16 October 10am – 3.30pm

Archbishop Temple High School, Preston PR2 8RA

Come and work alongside some of the UKs finest jazz musicians. The sessions will mainly focus on small band and improvisation skills and caters for both intermediate and more advanced musicians – we welcome any instrument. To get the most out of this opportunity, we would recommend you are a minimum of grade 3/4 standard on your instrument (this is only a guide and recognise that many musicians don’t take formal exams). The sessions are currently offered FREE of charge but booking is essential: 

Mrs Cattanach, Curriculum Leader for Music

National Youth Orchestra

SEN Unit Proposal

SEN units

Lancashire has fewer places in special educational needs (SEN) units compared with other local authorities. In January 2020 the Council approved the development of SEN units in mainstream schools in Lancashire so that more children and young people can get the specialist support they need in a mainstream school closer to their home.

One of the areas in which SEN units are needed for children is Preston/Leyland and this is why we are thinking about whether we should develop an SEN unit for children with social communication and interaction needs in our school.

At the moment this proposal is at a very early stage of development and we would really like to find out what families, staff, governors and other interested members of the local community think about this idea. In order to do this we are starting an informal consultation on 1st October, that will run for 6 weeks until 7th November 2021. More information about the proposal can be found here. You can also give your views and ask any questions about this proposal using the same link and filling in the questionnaire. You can get the same information in a booklet if you contact the school office.

We are also arranging a meeting for anyone who would like to find out more about this proposal during the informal consultation period. A member of Lancashire County Council’s Inclusion Service will also be at the meeting to answer any questions you may have with me, and other members of school staff/governing body, including Katie McGibbon our SENCO. This meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd November, 4.00 till 5.00. Further details will be provided closer to the event.

We would very much like to hear your views about this proposal and so hope that you are able to attend the meeting and/or fill in the questionnaire. Please do get in touch with me at school or Lancashire County Council by email Inclusion.South@Lancashire.gov.uk or phone 01772 531597 if you would like any more information about this. We look forward to hearing from you.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 24th our students and staff enthusiastically participated in the nationwide Macmillan Coffee Morning, raising an amazing £416 for charity. There were hundreds of cakes on offer, with an impressive range of sizes, flavours and shapes! Many staff members also participated in the event and Mr Dean once again showed off his flair for baking by donating a very impressive book themed cake. The event was a real success thanks to the hard work of the Year 11 Student Leadership Team; however, a special mention must go to Ellie R, Year 11 for her determination in securing free cakes and coffee from Starbucks and Costa. Well done and thank you to all involved!

Mr Herbert

Associate Assistant Headteacher

  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award