Unfortunately, this year we were unable to hold our Class of 2020 GCSE Awards Evening. However, we still celebrated their success and awarded prizes for exceptional achievement, notable effort, determination and progress. All our leavers received a ‘Class of 2020′ Celebration booklet with messages from staff and the Head Girl, including photos of their time here at Penwortham Girls’.
What a year it turned out to be! Words cannot express how upsetting it was to have you leave us in the most dramatic and strangest of circumstances. We were hugely disappointed that you were unable to sit your exams, knowing how hard you had worked, and that you were also deprived of the traditional events calendared for our Year 11 leavers. I am so disappointed that I have not been able to deliver on the promise I made to you all about your Valedictory, Awards Evening and Leavers’ Assembly. But who knew this dreadful virus would continue to dominate our lives for as long as it has? I do hope that that this book goes some way to compensating for everything you have had to sacrifice over the last few months.
As you embark on the next stage of your journey, I want you to know that it was an absolute pleasure to work with you and watch you develop as senior members of the school. I will never forget your last day in school, particularly the tremendous strength of spirit and support you showed for each other. I have never felt prouder of a year group! I shall also never forget the words of Susanna during your impromptu leavers’ assembly, which resonated so much with me:
We have noticed that many pupils are beginning to refer to ourselves as ‘The Corona Year’, so I decided to research this suggestive label. According to Google, the word ‘corona’ can refer to an element of the sun and other stats, or the centre of a daffodil. Despite the variation, it is evident that we are an exceptional year group – illuminating and warming; blossoming and thriving…This unfortunate virus will no longer define our year but, instead, empower us as the resolute and spirited young women that we have proven to be.
I know, having spoken to a number of you, that you have a wide range of dreams and ambitions and I wish you all the very best as you strive to achieve them over the next few years.
Hopefully, despite the dramatic way in which you were forced to leave, you will take with you some wonderful memories of PGHS. Throughout your five years with us you will have made some great friends and achieved successes in a wide variety of areas, whether it be on the sports field, stage or in the classroom (I suspect a number of you will be appearing on our alumnae wall in years to come!)
So, don’t forget us and please keep in touch. Believe it or not, we are always sad to see a year group leave and it gives us a lot of pleasure when past students return to let us know how they are getting on!
Good luck and all the very best for the future.
The Trophy for Artistic Excellence
Susanna S
An outstanding individual who excelled in all areas of the GCSE Art & Design. Hardworking, caring and passionate about Art, Susanna was consistently awarded top marks, securing a Grade 9 and on a par with an A-Level standard. We wish her every success in the future.
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Phoebe H
Phoebe showed a consistent desire to keep improving her art work throughout her GCSE Art and Design course, alongside a willingness to take risks and try new methods and materials, always ‘thinking outside the box’. Phoebe was a pleasure to teach!
The Computing and ICT Award
Rai P
A consistently hardworking individual who had the desire and passion to succeed in Computer Science. Rai always wanted to improve and to understand how to improve. Rai was a pleasure to teach and I wish her all the success in the future.
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Lauren P
An amazing individual who has worked hard to achieve the grade 9, which was a well-deserved grade two grades above her target grade. A consistently hard working and caring student who wanted to excel in Computer Science. Lauren showed a clear passion for the subject. I wish her all the success in the future.
The Enid Eaton Memorial Trophy for English
Carys B
Carys didn’t always find English easy. In fact, at the start of the GCSE course, she was terrified as she believed she was only good at Maths and Science. Carys did not let this become a barrier. Instead she worked relentlessly and ultimately produced work of grade 9 (and beyond) quality. Carys’ presence in class was always so appreciated for her incredible insight and her willingness to share her ideas and opinions.
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Jenny L
Jenny was an exceptionally well-motivated student who always went above and beyond. She was an asset to the class and was a pleasure to teach, always making fantastic contributions in class. I was incredibly impressed by her continued commitment to her work even during school closure.
The Dunscar Trophy for Achievement in Geography
Bethan R
Bethan was more than a GCSE Geography student, she is a Geographer at all times. She views the physical world through the inquisitive eyes of someone who understands the processes that shape the landscape, able to see the evidence of processes at work and link them together to get the big picture. She is equally comfortable with human geography, being able to understand and assess out interactions with the planet, both good and bad. Above all, she never stopped asking how and why things happen, and has an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Louisa T
Louisa proved herself to be a fantastic student and passionate geographer. She was always very conscientious and had a strong desire to succeed. She always listened carefully to explanations and guidance in class and actively sought advice on how to improve her work further. Louisa’s extensive revision, hard work and determination paid off and she ended up achieving an outstanding grade 8, three grades higher than her target. Louisa was an absolute pleasure to teach and I was delighted she achieved so highly in the end – it was well deserved!
The Patricia Jones Cup for History
Bethan R
Bethan is an outstanding student with a superb attitude to learning and an unceasing desire to improve her historical knowledge and skills. Throughout her five years at PGHS, and particularly at GCSE level, Bethan always impressed the History Department with her enthusiasm for history and her ability to articulate her understanding in skilfully crafted written answers. It would be impossible to find a more hardworking, polite and diligent GCSE historian in the country. Bethan fully deserved her Grade 9 in history and is a fully deserved winner of the Patricia Jones Cup for History 2020. Well done!
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Ellie L
Ellie was an absolute pleasure to teach in history. Her attitude to learning and effort was always first class and as a result she made excellent progress in the subject. Ellie worked hard to build and extend her historical knowledge and she made significant improvements to her written answers. A top student and a deserved winner of this award. Well done!
The Mathematics Cup
Emily H-N
Emily showed enthusiasm, commitment, and resilience throughout her mathematics studies. Her understanding of algebraic concepts was outstanding and she was able to apply this to a range of challenging questions successfully. Emily regularly attended grade 9 revision sessions where she thrived, completing A-Level standard maths.
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Olivia C
Throughout her time at Penwortham Girls, Olivia’s attitude to learning was outstanding! She approached every lesson with infectious enthusiasm and never faltered in her determination to surpass her target grade. Olivia valued the importance of learning from her mistakes and would always be incredibly pro-active in seeking further guidance to help herself make the best possible progress. Not only did her resilience and positivity lead to her own superb success, she also helped to inspire her peers – frequently working collaboratively to understand and solve challenging higher problems. An absolute pleasure to teach and a valued member of her class. Well done, Olivia!
The Russell Family Cup for Languages
Ellie G
A superb dual linguist who gained a grade 9 in both French and German. An accurate writer in both languages and outstanding speaking skills. Ellie could not have been more diligent in lessons and with her homework. We wish her Viel Gluck and Bonne chance for all that she does in the future.
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Bo T
Bo worked extremely hard in German throughout Year 11, especially when it came to revising for her mock exams. Bo always participated in class and offered positive contributions to every lesson. Through her hard-work and outstanding attitude towards learning, Bo exceeded her target grade by a whole grade. Well done, Bo!
The Emma MacDougall Trophy for Achievement in Music
Carys B
Carys always worked tirelessly in Music perfecting her compositions and developing her understanding of the set works in preparation for the listening exam. Her essay questions demonstrated a clear musical understanding and were always so eloquently written. Carys is an able performer who always performs with such empathy; it was a pleasure to perform with her on these. The Music Department wish Carys every success in the future.
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Elizabeth H
Beth was an extremely committed musician throughout her time here at Penwortham Girls’ and could always be relied upon to perform in concerts and assemblies both as a soloist and member of any ensemble. Her performances were always superb and enjoyed by everyone. Beth made fantastic progress in composition and listening work, and these were always supported with an incredible amount of hard work and dedication outside of the classroom. We wish Beth every success in the future.
The Hewetson Cup for Outstanding Contribution to School Sport
Lois C (PE)
Lois is a fantastic athlete who performs superbly in every sport she is involved in. Her contribution to extra-curricular and effort in practical lessons was exemplary. Lois always provided detailed answers and sporting examples in her theoretical work which together with her practical work, allowed her to achieve highly in GCSE PE. We wish you every success in the future Lois and as a PE department, know you will go on to achieve in whatever you choose to do.
Freya J (Dance)
Freya is a hard-working student who always attended any extra rehearsals she could. Her dance technique is fantastic and is a very talented choreographer. You thoroughly deserve your grade 9 in Dance Freya, and I hope you have continued with Dance at College.
Sabha I (Health & Social Care)
Sabha made an outstanding contribution to the subject. Her dedication and enthusiasm, alongside in-depth knowledge determined her success, with a fantastic result achieved. Sabha wants to continue this pathway in college and build her future career. Well done and good luck!
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Katie B (PE)
Katie is one of the most hard-working students I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Throughout her time in GCSE PE, she was always conscientious and diligent in both her practical and theory work. We wish you every success in the future Katie and as a PE department, know you will go on to achieve in whatever you choose to do.
Ruby I (Dance)
Ruby has a fantastic talent for choreography and produced a stunning group choreography towards the end of Y11. Throughout the GCSE Dance course, I saw her confidence develop to the dancer she is today. Ruby worked so hard and was a pleasure to teach.
Ellie M (Health & Social Care)
Outstanding effort and determination to succeed demonstrated in every lesson. She set her aim high and showed enthusiasm to achieve. Well done, Ellie!
Exceptional Achievement in Religious Education Trophy
Louisa T
Louisa’s passion and dedication for the subject led her to make exceptional progress in RE. Louisa did not see her target as a limit and was determined to achieve remarkable things. Achieving grade 6’s at the start of year 10, Louisa was consistently achieving grade 8’s and 9’s by the end of year 11. Some of her last essays were some of the best I’ve ever read. With this kind of resilience, Louisa is destined for success.
Outstanding Progress and Effort
Olivia W
Olivia had a record-breaking number of Grade 9’s throughout the two years. On so many occasions, Olivia scored full marks on her assessments. Olivia worked exceptionally hard to achieve so many impressive grades. Despite having a near perfect record, she always sought guidance on how to improve further. Olivia has a very bright future ahead of her and I wish her every success.
The Angela Ball Award for Science
Alyssa A
Alyssa was hard-working and had a determination and resilience to understand all aspects of Science. Alyssa gave 100% in all her assessments and consistently exceeded her target grade making excellent progress in Science. She fully deserved her grade of 88 in Science, which was three grades hig