Goodbye and Good Luck to Mrs McGibbon

It is with very heavy hearts that we are saying “Goodbye” to Mrs McGibbon this summer as she jets off to a new challenge overseas.  She has finished the final page of this chapter of her school journey and brings this volume to a close.  We wish her every luck on the next episode of her story in a new setting with a host of new characters! 

Mrs McGibbon started teaching at PGHS an incredible 17 years ago and has become an intrinsic part of school life – it is hard to imagine school without her and she will leave a huge gap.  It has been an eventful time personally and professionally for Mrs McGibbon.  Mrs McGibbon’s career has flourished here; she began as a newly qualified teacher but her enthusiasm for, and commitment to, vulnerable students and SEND quickly became apparent, leading her to develop her role as SENDCO in addition to being an exceptional English teacher.  In this role, she has supported many students to achieve their very best and enabled them to move onto to fulfilling and successful roles after high school.  Mrs McGibbon has always dealt with the challenges that her role as SENCO has presented in a professional and caring manner.  Student wellbeing and success has always been her priority and Mrs McGibbon’s commitment has been demonstrated time after time, year after year.  Countless students are successful and happy because of her dedication.  Mrs McGibbon hasn’t just supported students in her care, she has supported the careers and wellbeing of many staff members.  She always been a calm and consistent presence in school that provides stability and common sense to many of us.

She has been an intrinsic part of the life of the school and has always given her time generously.  Personally, I have many happy memories of working together: on school shows; residentials in London; “hike to help”; our “Old Lady Day Out” in Ambleside (which consisted of sampling numerous tea rooms and then a “Nanna nap” on the coach home); enrichment days; theatre trips (including a very memorable one to a workshop and performance of “Matilda”); ASDAN trips; and the most ridiculous of all, our Lady Gaga tribute filmed on Southport beach.      

Looking back at Mrs McGibbon’s time here, there have been 15 Education Secretaries, 8 Prime Ministers, 4 Heads of English, 3 Headteachers, 2 Assistant SENCOs and 1 COVID pandemic – an eventful time!  Throughout all these changes, Mrs McGibbon has always been positive and optimistic about the new challenges ahead.  I have no doubt that she has the same positivity about the adventure ahead.

It goes without saying that we are going to miss Mrs McGibbon enormously and she leaves a huge legacy behind her.  It is going to be difficult to imagine school life without her and her new school is exceptionally lucky.  We wish her every success in the future, in all the stories yet to be told, all the adventures that await for her and her family.

Mrs C Woodhouse

Senior Assistant Headteacher

Learning Support Department News

Our Year 10 and Year 11 ASDAN students have recently studied a topic on healthy eating and healthy living. They began by learning about each food group, the benefits for their body and how to achieve a balanced diet. Once we had covered the theory in lessons, they were then asked to put what they had learnt into practise and get involved in some cooking at home. Below is a selection of the delicious looking meals being made by Dayana, Jenna and Jess.

Miss Parker

Deputy SENDCo/Deputy DSL

SEND Cinema Trip

On Wednesday 13th December some of the Learning Support Department team took a group of girls to the Vue Cinema in Preston to get in the festive spirit and watch the film ‘Elf’.
The girls have worked so hard this term and settled in so well to Years 7 and 8 that we wanted to treat them and say “well done” for all their hard work. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the film and laughed lots all the way through. Well done, girls for a great first term.

Mrs Lucas

Values Party

On Tuesday 11th July, we ran the last Values Party of the year. A lot of the invited students came to participate and enjoyed a lunchtime spent eating and chatting in the Humanities Garden area. 

We asked the students to try and identify something they had done related to each value through the school year on a postcard that we will be able to display. 

There were some lovely conversations, with staff and students, and support of each other. Despite it being a bit breezy, a lovely time was had by everyone! 

Mrs Cousins, Learning Support Department

Learning Support Department – Moving on to High School Sessions

Towards the end of the summer term, the Learning Support Department were joined by a number of Year 6 pupils who will be starting with us in the autumn term. They came to take part in our annual Moving On To High School sessions.

The M.O.T.H.S sessions are designed specifically for pupils with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities; they can also be helpful for pupils who struggle socially, or who find the prospect of High School a scary thought.

They have had three sessions which involved getting to know each other; practising social skills and most importantly, getting to know their way around school! The girls were supported by Mrs McGibbon the school’s SENDCO, Mrs Cattanach the Transition Manager and Mrs Aldred who’ll be supporting some of our Year 7 students when they arrive.

All the girls have found the sessions useful, and have made a super start to their Penwortham Girls’ High School journey. We look forward to seeing our new Year 7 students in September.

Mrs K McGibbon


Annual Picnic

For the third year in a row, students supported by the Learning Support Department were treated to a picnic in the park on Thursday afternoon. This is a wonderful reward to celebrate the children’s hard work and resilience over the last academic year.

We didn’t let the threat of rain dampen our spirits and students and staff alike packed exciting treats, picnic blankets and donned trainers to walk to Hurst Grange Park for an afternoon of fresh air and play.

We were even joined by ex-pupils who fondly remember previous trips and couldn’t resist the call of the park and the chance to catch up with staff and friends.

Everybody loves to join in with the fun spirit of the afternoon; Mrs Embley could be seen whizzing down the tunnel slide and numerous members of staff were left out of breath after pushing the year 9s on the bucket swing!

Lots of fun was had by all; many thanks to the department for organising another wonderful event and well done to the students for yet another successful year!

Mrs McGibbon


Vintage Tea Party

On July 12th, the Learning Support Department hosted their annual ‘Vintage Tea Party’. Once again it was a department wide effort with everybody chipping in to make the afternoon a roaring success. Decorations were kindly donated and lovingly created by staff and friends, and there was a scrumptious array of cakes, crisps and biscuits on offer.

Guests included past and present pupils who have been supported by our department together with their parents. Ex staff members were also in attendance together with current staff members who couldn’t resist the call of tea and cake!

The atmosphere was provided by authentic 1920s music which was soon drowned out by the buzz of chatter as everybody got to sharing anecdotes in between slices of cake and sips of tea.

The hour and a half passed very quickly and the guests were very complimentary about the afternoon as well as the year round support that our department provides.

Once again, a huge thank you to all involved and a special thank you to Mrs Lucas who has done an excellent job of organising the event; we hope to see you all again next year!

Mrs McGibbon, SENCO

Spring Term Values Party

Wednesday 29th March saw the return of the Values Party.  This term we reflected on the core values of ‘Ambition’ and ‘Resilience’.  The students who attended, spent time recalling what they understand the values to mean and how they have shown or challenged themselves to demonstrate them both in school and in their lives outside of school.

The STEM festival had provided many examples of how having ambition and resilience can lead to great things so it was great to see and hear the links being made by the students.  Students also identified the activities they had carried out that focussed on ambition and resilience. These ranged from working hard on topics that they find hard to understand and not just giving up, to learning a new instrument!

The final values party will be at the end of the summer term and will focus on ‘Compassion’ and ‘Social Responsibility’.

Miss Cousins

Teaching Assistant

Values Party

On Wednesday 14th December, we hosted a ‘Values Party’ for students who work with the Teaching Assistant Team.  The party was an opportunity to reflect on how we had all demonstrated or embodied the school values that were focussed on in the Literature & Language Festival – curiosity and dignity.  Students had the opportunity to write down examples of how the values can be seen and how they have shown them personally; there were some wonderful ideas!

We also spent time listening to music, chatting about how the term had gone and looking forward to what will be coming up next term.  There will be two more parties at the end of the spring and summer terms.

Mrs Cousins

The Queen’s passing

As a nation, we were all saddened to hear of the Queen’s passing on the 8th September. One of our year 10 students, Jess S, took time to write a letter to the new King Charles:

“When I heard about the Queen’s death, I decided that I wanted to write a letter to the King. I wrote a letter to send my condolences to the Royal Family about their loss of their mum, grandma and great-grandma. I waited for a reply from him and one afternoon, when I arrived home from school, there was a reply! I was very happy to see that he liked my letter very much.”

Jess received a note from King Charles thanking her for her message.

Miss Parker

Deputy SENDCo/Deputy DSL

  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award