Geography Department News

A big welcome back to all students after what we hope was a fun holiday filled of opportunities to explore new places and landscapes. Been anywhere interesting? Tell us about it. We are currently putting together a display of souvenirs and trinkets from around the world and we would welcome any additions.

A particularly big welcome to our new GCSE Geographers in Year 10. We are looking forward to getting to know you better and nurturing your love and interest for this wonderful subject. Also, a welcome to our new junior Geographers in Year 7.

Geography Subject Progress Leaders

We are delighted to announce that Caitlyn J and Hannah B have been appointed as our Progress Leaders for this academic year. These two dedicated, committed and enthusiastic Year 10 GCSE Geographers will lead the way in terms of extra-curricular provision and academic support for Years 7 to 9 this year.

What will we study this half term?

Year 7 – Being a Geographer! Baseline knowledge such as continents, oceans, countries and Lancashire towns, before moving onto cartography – map making!

Year 8 – River Landscapes. What river processes shape the landscape, why rivers flood and what we can do to reduce the threat.

Year 9 – Extreme Environments. We will focus on the hot deserts of the world; what they are like, why they are there and how they are spreading.

Year 10 – Coastal Landscapes & Management. What processes shape our beautiful coastline and how living there can often be a battle with the elements.

Year 11 – Changing Cities. Sao Paulo is the biggest city in the Americas and it faces some massive challenges. How can they be tackled?

Mr Bowles

Curriculum Leader for Geography

Charities Update

All students in Years 7-10 participated in passports walks in July, raising money for SLEAP, a homeless charity based in Leyland. The students walked a combined total of 30 miles in a variety of locations and terrain. The grand total raised was an amazing £1520.46! Rebecca Barnett, a family and youth support worker from SLEAP visited school to collect a cheque last week, and was incredibly grateful for the students’ efforts. CEO Stela Stansfield wanted to thank the students, teachers and community for their donations: “Please do pass our heartfelt thanks to each of them. They should feel very proud of what they achieved. Your generosity will have a lasting impact on the lives of many young people, many not much older at all than your own pupils. We can assure you that 100% of your donation to SLEAP will be spent directly on supporting young people out of homelessness. We know that the work we do makes a huge difference both in the immediate circumstances and also long term”.

During the summer term, students also held events in support of other charities. The Year 7 and 8 ‘Superhero Run’ in support of Rock FM’s Cash for Kids raised £587, a range of activities supporting the people of Ukraine raised £390 and non-uniform days across the year raised £1439 for the WWF, Teenage Cancer Trust and Preston Domestic Violence Services. The next charity event taking place in school is a cake sale taking place on Friday, 30th September in support of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Mr Herbert,

Associate Assistant Headteacher

Year 7 Transition

The first two weeks in English were dedicated to supporting our Year 7 students as they settle into life at PGHS. All students have been looking at Writing to Advise and Autobiographical Writing with the help of Mr Burton from Educating Yorkshire. We have looked at the brilliant advice Mr Burton gives in his book Go Big: The Secondary School Survival Guide and taken on board his ideas about embracing who you are. Using this, students have then reflected on their own start to PGHS and produced their own advice guide. Students have also explored autobiographical writing, again looking at Mr Burton’s reflection on his own first day at high school. The Transition Unit was brought to a close with each student writing an autobiographical account of the key moments of their first 2 weeks at PGHS.

Mrs Snowdon

Curriculum Leader for English

Bedrock Competition

As part of our English curriculum at KS3, all students have a Bedrock account and are expected to engage in Bedrock weekly as part of their homework. Students are targeted to achieve 20 points each week. Points are achieved when students are making progress and this has a positive impact across the curriculum as Bedrock covers all curriculum subjects. In addition to developing vocabulary, Bedrock has also launched a grammar programme which is designed to support students in their understanding and application of the rules of English grammar. Students can use either the vocabulary programme or the grammar programme to collect their points – we recommend a combination of the two.

Each month, the English class in year 7, year 8 and year 9 who achieve the most points will be rewarded with an early lunch – beating the queues and getting the best seats in the dining room!

If you’d like to read a little more about how Bedrock works, then simply follow the link: And, if you’d like to be able to monitor your child’s Bedrock activity and progress, please click the link below to view the ‘Parents Guide to Bedrock’. Your child will need to ask their English teacher for their ‘access code’.

Parents’ Guide to Using Bedrock at Home.

Mrs Snowdon

Curriculum Leader for English

Sports, Societies and Clubs Fair

Last week, we held a Sports, Societies and Club Fair here at PGHS. This was an opportunity for students to visit the stalls of each club on offer and to find out more information from the club ambassadors. They could then sign up to the club they were interested in. All clubs are now fully up and running. Which clubs did your daughter sign up to? If they are still interested, it isn’t too late! Please see the attached timetable and ask them to pop along or chat to their form tutor. 

Mrs Honeyman

Associate Assistant Headteacher

Parents’ Guide to Using Bedrock at Home

Our Bev

It is with great sadness that this week, we say goodbye for the final time to the wonderful Mrs Yates, who sadly lost her long battle with cancer earlier this month.

Bev has been a much-loved member of the PGHS team since February 2019 and since joining us, has thrown herself wholeheartedly into the school community. She has been an integral part of the SEND department.  She has provided support and advice to students and staff alike and her warm smile, ready laugh and cheery outlook will be sorely missed.

A fully committed member of the PGHS family, Bev was determined to work through her illness, proving her love and dedication to her job and the children she supported.

Both staff and students have many fond memories of working with Bev which will be cherished for many years to come.

We’ll miss you, Mrs Yates.

Mrs McGibbon,


Staff Memories of Our Bev:

“Every time I eat a red Lindor chocolate, I’ll think of you and smile! I know somewhere you’ll be reading this dedication and giving me the biggest eye roll. I’d tell you to rest easy, my love but I don’t think you’ve ever rested for a single minute! Instead, shine bright.

All my love, Katie.”

 “I wasn’t lucky enough to know you very long, Bev but I will remember your infectious smile and the laughs you brought to us all. Love, Sarah C.”

 “Bev, from discovering you sneaking into work on a day off, to having you come along and offering support at weekend competitions, your physical presence is, and always will be missed. It was difficult for any of us to not be infected with your positivity and zest for life and I know I will try to do everything ‘with a little bit of Bev’ (especially eating a packet of maltesers!!)  Sarah P”

 “Bev, you literally were one of the nicest, most welcoming and supportive people I have ever met. Your laugh was infectious and I couldn’t help but smile when I was in your company. Thank you for being you. I’ll miss you so much. Love Rachael xx”

 “Every day I will look at the red plant you gifted me and remember all the lovely memories and mischief we got up to. I will forever miss working alongside you, along with our funny ‘corner’ chats, especially when things got ‘so full on’. Bev, you were the cheekiest, funniest and kindest person I got to meet. Love Saleha xx”

 Dedications from some of the students that Mrs Yates supported:

“Thank you for helping me with extra science. I will miss you.” Jenna

“Thank you for helping our little group and showing me how to respect people more.” Olivia

“Thank you for helping me with my work.” Claudia

“Thank you. I will miss you.” Amie

“I will miss you.” Caleb

“Thank you for helping me. I will miss you.” Dayana

Health and Safety

This week across Technology, students have been learning about the importance of health and safety in a technology environment. Students have looked into the different types of PPE used in the workshops. They have also learnt how to work safely and hygienically when handling food, by exploring a ‘grime’ scene set up in the food room.

Mrs Freer

Curriculum Co-ordinator of Technology

  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award