Computing News

Key Stage 3 Computing

Last half term saw KS3 Computing investigating and using a variety of programming codes ranging from ‘Scratch’ to ‘Python’.  In Year 7, students have been designing and creating their own game using Scratch, which will be evaluated and assessed.  The game had to have a theme about healthy eating and educating others all about being healthy. They also had to include a variety of scripts, sprites and variables.  The games that have been planned are fantastic – students have really used their imagination!

Year 8 students have been looking at binary code and hexadecimal and have started to use the programming language, ‘Python’.

Year 9 students have investigated a range of Python techniques including variables and ‘if and else’ statements. The girls had to create a dating app to showcase their skills learnt throughout the unit.

This half term, students will be completing a variety of units. Year 7 are learning about skills within spreadsheets and Year 8 are learning about stop frame animation.  These students are in the process of completing a group work activity and planning and creating their own stop frame animation. I am looking forward to seeing if we have a future Nick Park in the making! Year 9 students will be starting to learn about technology; they will be looking into the history of technology and will end with the future of technology where the girls will have to design a new piece of technology that will enhance people’s lives.

GCSE Computer Science

Year 11 have just completed their first round of mock exams and the results were brilliant. All their determination and hard work so far has paid off and I hope that if they continue with this positive attitude towards their work, they will continue to do well in the March mocks. Well done, girls!

Year 10 are in full swing of the GCSE course and they are showing determination to want to achieve. Don’t forget revision guides are still available on Parentpay.

BTEC Creative Media Productions

Year 10 have been focusing on the different techniques used within the film industry and are starting to experiment with editing some of their own video clips and producing their own trailers for a horror film. This has involved the girls working in small groups to film and then individually creating a soundtrack to go with the trailer. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished products.

Mrs Smith
Curriculum Leader for C.A.T. Faculty

Army STEM Workshop

On Thursday 16th January, we had a visit from the Army who delivered an exciting STEM workshop to 60 Year 7 students in the school hall. The workshop encouraged students to design, engineer and create a record breaking vehicle inspired by the bloodhound project. Students had to work in teams to design and model a car which had to hold a rocket cartridge in order to produce the fastest vehicle.

The sessions were filled with creative thinking and hands on experiences, followed by the chance to go outside and launch their vehicles to see whose car was the fastest.

Mrs Freer

Technology Department

GCSE Design and Technology Update

Year 11 students are busy working on their final non exam assessment (NEA) which is worth 50% of their GCSE. They are currently developing their final prototype by using traditional and modern materials and manufacturing equipment, including sewing, laser cutting and 3D printing. They are expected to work independently to produce a solution to one of the contexts set by the exam board such as ‘Working towards a sustainable future’ or ‘A safe and comfortable home’. We look forward to seeing the final outcomes as they complete their NEA by the deadline of 27th February.

Mrs Gornall

Technology Department

Looking forward to the Year 7 STEM Day!

On the 27th April this year, all Year 7 students will be taking part in a STEM day. Part of the day will include experiencing the mobile innovation centre, ‘Titan II’. The truck is fully interactive and the students will look into the following areas:

Time Travel:

  • Find out how technology has evolved through the decades, using the latest VR technology on board Titan II.

Don’t look down:

  • The sky is the limits for our immersive experience; working on top of a skyscraper. Don’t forget your safety harness!

Life in 3D:

  • Bring your design idea to life! See the latest in 3D print technology and software, making your designs a reality.

IoT and you:

  • What is the internet of things (IoT)? How does it work? See how IoT is shaping the future in engineering and technology.

This should be a fantastic opportunity for the students to experience cutting edge technology, as well as making further links between the subject areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

Mrs Gornall
Technology Department

Feature Artists: PichiAvo

pichiavo.jpgAs part of the Year 9 Scheme of Learning we will be studying the fantastic imagery of Grafftit Art.  Artist group PichiAvo, Pichi, b. 1977; Avo, b. 1985, are a duo of artists from Valencia, Spain.

Recognised for their skill at creating connections between painting and sculpture in urban settings, they adopt a thoroughly innovative approach in their artistic murials. A balanced combination of classical art and the most contemporary urban art can be identified in their work.

More images of their inspiring experimental work can be found the website:

Competition Time! Fair Trade Lancashire Schools Competition

Calling all budding designers!  Help us mark the 25th anniversary of the Fair Trade Mark by designing an anniversary card.

This will be an ideal opportunity for students to think about Fairtrade, looking at what the mark means and what ‘Fairtrade’ means for the producer. Students may want to examine one particular product, such as tea or chocolate more closely, or look at a range of products.

Entries can either be on A4 or A5 paper.  They must have their name and form clearly written on them.  Please hand in to Miss Morris and the winner will have their entry scanned and displayed.  Prizes will be presented in school and winning entries will be displayed at County Hall.

The deadline for this competition is Friday 7th February 2020.

Good luck! – Miss Morris / CAT Faculty Team

Year 11 Mock Interviews


On Friday 17th January, all Year 11 students took part in mock interviews. Mock interviews are a great way to help students prepare for the world of work.

The process included completing an application form for a fictional job and attending a mock interview here at PGHS. Feedback was given to the girls with advice on how they could improve. This could be anything from interview technique to preparation.

The event was a great success with interviewers praising the girls effort and commitment. Feedback from our volunteers was extremely positive

Thank you to all our volunteers (parents, staff, governors and employers) from various business backgrounds who came into school to interview the girls.

Mr Ramsdale
Senior Assistant Headteacher

South Ribble Cricket Champions

u15cricket2.pngCongratulations to our U15s Cricket Team who competed in the South Ribble Indoor Cricket Tournament at South Ribble Tennis Centre on Monday 20th January. They won all their games by a minimum of 20 runs, making it through to the final. The team then won overall making them the South Ribble Cricket Champions! They all played tremendously well and will be going through to the next round taking place very soon.

Coach’s Players: Darcey W and Lucy W

Players’ Player: Katie B

Well played, girls!

Miss Owen

PE Department

Science Club

This term, science club has continued to be very popular club amongst our PGHS scientists. Every Monday lunchtime, students have been taking part in a wide range of fun and exciting scientific experiments and investigations. Recently, students have explored density of materials by creating density towers; investigated acids and alkalis using universal indicator; grown crystals on intricate snowflakes and have carried out the elephant’s toothpaste experiment. This term, we will be conducting experiments to make silver and gold pennies and also investigating the growth of plants.  Science club is open to all year 7 and year 8 students.  Anyone wanting to attend can just turn up on Monday lunch times at 12:45pm.

  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award