Bedrock Leader Board

The English department have launched a new competition to track and reward Bedrock use.  Each week, we’ll be awarding prizes and points to recognise and encourage students’ Bedrock learning.  Individuals will have their wonderfulness celebrated on twitter and a small, personalised gift posted home (unfortunately, there will be a slight delay in this).

Classes will gain points – the highest scoring class will receive a socially distant celebration when we are back in school – either a movie with posh popcorn or a literary lunch in the library.

There will be 2 individual overall winners with fantastic prizes:

  • 1 – Highest usage
  • 2 – Most progress.

We publish the weekly leaderboard on the English twitter page @PGHS_English

Bedrock has proved invaluable for the English Home Learning programme, as it allows us to see how much time every student is spending on it.  It also shows us how much progress they are making, giving us a detailed, in depth insight into how students are managing (and an early warning system for students who are finding the current situation difficult).  In addition, the school with the most usage per student in the Summer term has the chance to win £1000 for the English Department and the Library…we need you to ensure we are in it to win it!

Mrs Woodhouse, Curriculum Leader for English

Nancy Rothwell Award 2020 / Penwortham Girls’ Winning Entries

This Easter, in collaboration with the Science Department and CAT Faculty (Computing, Arts and Technology), our students were invited to submit entries for the Nancy Rothwell Award. This annual competition celebrates artwork that captures the intricacies of anatomy and last year more than 500 pieces were submitted by young artists from across the globe.

Our KS3 & KS4 winning Penwortham Girls’ entries are:

  • Year 7 – Imogen K
  • Year 8 – Maia F
  • Year 9 – Eleanor S and Marissa S

A special thanks goes towards all of our students who entered the competition; there were so many wonderful illustrations to choose from. Don’t forget that you can still enter one specimen drawing/illustration/digital drawing of your choice, free online using the following website link:

Good luck to all students who have entered!

Science Department and CAT Faculty (Computing, Arts and Technology)

VE Day At Home Celebrations

Year 7 students were set the challenge this week of creating their own VE Day celebration. It was fantastic to see so many creative ideas uploaded onto Class Charts and we’re sure the residents in the local area will have really appreciated their designs brightening up the windows. Girls created their own bunting, flags and even created traditional refreshments to celebrate.

Chelsea D, Eleanor H, Evellyn I, Caitlin J, Victoria K, Imogen K, Jennifer K, Elena L, Prisha P, Sarah P, Zarisha P, Eleanor S, Lily S, Bethany W, Katie W and Maryam Z were all awarded a ‘Service to the School’ merit for their hard work and efforts.


Mrs Cattanach
Associate Assistant Headteacher

Amazing work produced during lockdown

We would like to express a big ‘thank you’ to all parents and carers for the support you have given your daughter during lockdown with home learning tasks. Again this week, we really want to celebrate some of the amazing work the girls are doing with your help at home. We have highlighted girls’ efforts from a wide range of departments in the newsletter to celebrate their work during these challenging times.

Additionally, we have included some further information on e-safety for teenagers and where you can access support for children’s mental health from NHS Lancashire if your daughter needs to access any support. The school nurse is also accepting referrals to assist families who may need support and you can find the application form on the school website.

On a creative note, the staff from The Haven are promoting the ‘Pom Pom’ challenge to raise fundraise for charities – further details can be found on the newsletter. Furthermore, the CAT faculty are continuing to produce much needed PPE equipment for local health care providers and this week and we have included two thank you messages from Chorley Hospital and the MP Sir Lindsay Hoyle.

Best wishes and stay safe.

Karen Pomeroy

Here is the link to our school newsletters.

  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award