The Caroline Lowton Kindness Trophy
Each half term, we like to present the ‘Caroline Lowton Kindness Trophy’ to one student who has demonstrated kindness and support to their peers every day. Caroline was a very special individual who, as our school nurse, always went the extra mile to support our students both in school and at home; we always look forward to presenting this trophy in her memory.
Last half term, we asked Year 7 to nominate a pupil who demonstrates kindness daily; kindness which goes unnoticed by many but truly appreciated by a few. There were over 130 nominations and choosing just one was very difficult. This student really did stand out from the rest, with some truly thoughtful words which we know would have made Caroline smile. Therefore, we would like to award the trophy to Holly L from 7GFO. Well done, Holly!
The nominations for Holly included:
“I could not ask for a better friend! Since the start of year seven, we have helped each other even more and become even better friends than we were in the past.”
“She is always making sure that I’m alright and is just always nice.”
Mrs Cattanach
Associate Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader for Music
Woodwind Assembly
As Year 7 have been learning all about the instruments of the orchestra and the Woodwind Group had been working incredibly hard at lunch time on ‘The Baby Elephant Walk’ and ‘Gonna Fly Now’, we decided that the Woodwind Group would lead an extra special Year 7 assembly before the holidays to showcase their hard work. As well as playing these two pieces, some students performed the solo pieces they had been working on in their peripatetic lessons. All students performed fantastically well and Year 7 were so enthralled by all the performances that I think there are a number of students considering taking up a woodwind instrument.
Mrs Cattanach
Associate Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader for Music
Year 7 Make an Instrument Competition
Year 7 students have been sharing the musical instruments that they made over the holidays with their forms. We have had numerous ukuleles, shakers and drums made from various different recycled materials and ingredients raided from kitchen cupboards. We had some really interesting instruments, created tambourines, kalimbas and even a lollystick kazoo! The students have clearly enjoyed the opportunity to be creative whilst thinking about which items they could use to create the correct sounds for their instruments. Each form has chosen the best three to represent them in the final of the competition which will be judged early next week. We hope that you enjoy looking at the photographs taken so far and hope to have news of the winners in due course.
Mrs Cattanach
Associate Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader for Music

Remembering Zaynab
Last Monday, 18th April was the anniversary of the passing of Year 10 student, Zaynab Bhula. Some of her friends met in the school Training Suite to mark the date , share some stories and we then went to Preston Cemetery to lay some flowers on Zaynab’s grave.
As a school, we have done a number of things to commemorate Zaynab’s life. One of those was an appeal for donations to a fund which was set up in Zaynab’s name to pay for the drilling of wells in communities for whom fresh, clean, safe water is a luxury, not a right.
Through the amazing generosity of students, families and staff, a fund was raised to create NINE wells in western Pakistan and I have recently received images of these wells in operation. It is heart-warming to think that Zaynab’s name lives on, not just within our community, but also in these places where the money donated in her name is being put to such good use. Thank you to everyone who contributed to Zaynab’s friendship circle, to Year 11 parent Mr Mohammed Nakhuda for his guidance and advice and to Mr Ali Nakhuda for helping liaise with the Children of Adam charity who carried out the well drilling operations.
Zaynab’s was a life cut much too short, a real tragedy, but I hope the good that has come out of the work done in her name can be some small comfort to her friends and family.
ِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.
Mr Bowles