The class of 2024 at Penwortham Girls’ High School have been celebrating a remarkable set of results. These impressive GCSEs round off another successful year for the school, coming after May’s Ofsted inspection which again graded the school as outstanding. The school is also excited about the plans for the new school building project which is due to commence in 2025.
Sharon Hall, Headteacher said: “The accomplishments of our pupils are due to their resilience, ambition and determination to succeed. We are so proud of them and wish them the very best on the next stage of their journey”.
There were new records set at the school with 44% of all grades being a grade 7 or higher. Furthermore 9% of all grades awarded were the top grade 9.
The school is especially proud that students of all abilities have achieved well with an impressive 85% of all pupils achieving at least a Grade 4 in both English and Maths, with 71% attaining a grade 5 or better in both subjects.
There were some incredible individual achievements with Jenna K achieved 9 Grade 9’s, whilst another 20 students achieved 8 or more Grades 7 and above.
Several students surpassed all their target grades in every subject. These included Tasneem A; Sophie E; Mya G and Layla U. Khitam A. deserves a special mention as she made 5 extra grades of progress in each of 8 subjects.
When Ofsted awarded the school its second consecutive Outstanding rating earlier this year, they commented on the schools’ atmosphere, stating that “Pupils are very proud to be part of this welcoming and happy school community.”
Chair of Governors Lorimer Russell-Hayes commented “To achieve Outstanding in 2014 is one thing, but to maintain it and achieve it again 10 years later is a real testament to the dedication of staff, parents and governors over many years. All groups of students excel here and leave as articulate, questioning, tolerant and independent young women prepared for their futures”.