End of Summer Term News

What a year this has been! It has been eventful to say the least! Firstly, we interviewed for a new Headteacher in September 2023, then we said goodbye to Mrs Pomeroy at Christmas. We started the New Year with Mrs Hall at the helm, and then we had Ofsted for the first time in 10 years just before May half term. All major events, but the school maintained its consistent ambitions and standards as always.

I can certainly say, on behalf of the governing body, that we are delighted that the school has maintained the Outstanding Ofsted grade first received in November 2014. It is an incredible achievement as it as certainly become a more exacting standard. That top Ofsted grade, plus the outstanding attainment and progress measures achieved consistently over those years put us at the top of many league tables. We could not have been so successful without a fantastic team of highly skilled and motivated staff, without a very supportive community of parents and carers, and without the hard work and consistent effort by the girls themselves. Well done to all concerned! We are, indeed, very proud of you all.

Of course, we know very well that data and reports are only part of the story. Our values and ethos permeate all areas of school life and help all abilities to succeed in becoming articulate, questioning, tolerant and independent young women. Much of this was in evidence during the GCSE exam period when the Year 11 students showed continued dedication to their studies but also at the valedictory evening, where they shone in all their finery! We wish them great success!

So, at the end of such an eventful year, we must look forward to those that follow. We are proud to have Mrs Hall as our new Headteacher and we also have a new building to look forward to. Governors are confident in the school’s continued success.

On behalf of all governors, I wish you all a safe and restful summer break and look forward to the new school year in September.

Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of Governors

Governors News – Spring Term 2024

This term has been extremely short due to how the Easter dates have fallen this year but somehow, we seemed to have got a lot done!

The governors have been extremely pleased and reassured by the smooth transition to Mrs Hall as Headteacher. We knew from the start that we had appointed the right person for the task; Mrs Hall has the ethos of Penwortham Girls’ High School running through her veins and wants nothing more than to build on Mrs Pomeroy’s successes. There have been some additional appointments made to serve the school well into this next chapter. A key decision has been to appoint Mrs Woodhouse to join Mr Ward and Mr Ramsdale in the team of Senior Assistant Headteachers. Governors welcome the development and expansion of Mrs Woodhouse’s role and wish her much success. Appointments have also been made to the Safeguarding team and to the Life Skills team. These have been key to the fulfilment of our school values and integral to the rounded development of our students.

Our vision is quite clearly identified in what students and staff have delivered this term so far. There have been a number of events that include the Soroptimist society raising £300 for St Catherine’s Hospice, a focus on kindness for International Women’s day, all students taking part in Safer Internet Day and a focus on World Religion Day where the Year 9 assembly included student-created presentations on aspects of Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. Added to these, is the STEM Festival which is the focus of this end of term newsletter.

The governing board wishes to thank students, staff and parents for their continuing support and efforts this term. We send warm wishes to those of you who celebrate Easter and those of you celebrating Eid Al-Fitr during the break also. We hope all our community enjoys two weeks break and we hope the students return ready for more hard work!

Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of Governors

Farewell to Mrs Pomeroy

This is a moment of change for PGHS as we move to a new Headteacher and look forward to a new school building. It is also a moment of great reflection.

Governors were happy to announce the arrival of a new Headteacher 12 years ago when Mrs Pomeroy arrived, but we couldn’t imagine just what success she would lead the school towards. When governors have considered just how the school has changed over those 12 years, we find it hard to believe just how much has been achieved. The physical school building has changed enormously to include a welcoming entrance and music area, a drama studio, a dance studio, a languages area, revitalised science laboratories and sports facilities, the training suite, a fit for purpose staff area, a new library area, a humanities extension of three additional classrooms and a smart, welcoming, vibrant modern school in which to learn and to teach. I’m sure I have forgotten many things too! All the above have ensured a high quality environment for certain, but our school is so much more than that. Under Mrs Pomeroy’s leadership, we have risen to a school outstanding in all areas, as judged by Ofsted.  Simultaneously, teaching is outstanding, students learn effectively and with enjoyment and so results have now risen to the point where students achieve way above expectations, with progression rated in the top 3 in Lancashire and the top performing schools across the country. Mrs Pomeroy – that is some legacy, and we are as proud as you must be at the changes made during your leadership. And honestly, I don’t believe that actually does your tenure real justice!

So, what comes next? Well, for Mrs Pomeroy, it must be the freedom to spend time with her family and more time away travelling to far flung areas of the globe! She has many interests and hobbies so will certainly never sit still but here’s hoping she discovers new ones too. We all wish you a happy, fulfilled and joyous retirement and that you come back to see us too!

For PGHS, we very much welcome Mrs Hall to her post in January and towards the new building project. We wish you as much success in your role also.

For our school community as a whole, I wish you, on behalf of the governing body, much enjoyment and relaxation during our school break and we look forward to seeing you refreshed and well in 2024.

Ms Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of Governors

Governors News

Summer Term 2023

This has been another eventful term for us all and an incredibly different year as we start to plan for a different future.

On behalf of governors, I very much enjoyed attending the arrival of the year 11s at their valedictory celebration at Ribby Hall. The weather kept dry for long enough to see the girls arrive in their finery and in an array of vehicles! They so much deserved to put all their hard work during and in the lead up to their exams behind them.  We all wish them the success they deserve when we see them again in August!

The governors have been kept busy this term in all the usual ways but also in putting together the recruitment process for a new headteacher, who we hope to appoint in the autumn to start January 2024. It is a bittersweet process for all of us who appreciate how far the school has developed under Mrs Pomeroy’s tenure and how much she, herself, has been responsible for driving its journey over the past 12 years to the incredible position we are now in. Mrs Pomeroy knows the time is now right for her and, importantly, right for the school’s future. With the new building on the horizon, it will also be a time of excitement and further development and we relish these opportunities to grow.

Rest assured, none of us will lose impetus or focus over the next term! We have just shared an evening with the prospective year 7s and have also enjoyed a spectacular Commonwealth Celebration. As I write this, we still have all our end of year enrichment activities to come, so there is never any down time! Our enrichment calendar is something the school and governors are rightly proud of, and I recently had the opportunity to share this good practice with other Lancashire Chairs of Governors at our forum. All members of the Senior Leadership Team have responsibilities and we, as governors, appreciate the drive and enthusiasm of each one of them. Whilst acknowledging them all, I would especially like to thank Mrs Honeyman for all her work on our enrichment calendar this term and for Mrs Cattanach’s work to ease transition for our new year 7s and in preparing our Celebration Evening.

From myself and on behalf of all the governors, I want to thank all our hard-working staff (teaching and non-teaching) for their continued dedication this year. We may not find time to acknowledge you all by name, but we appreciate our good fortune in having such a highly skilled workforce. We never take you for granted.

To all our students and their families, we thank you for your support and hard work during the year; we hope the relationship with school continues to be a positive and fruitful one.

Have a lovely summer and be safe!

Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of Governors

Governors Spring Term 2023

Stakeholder Voice

Governors have three core responsibilities to discharge:

  1. Setting the strategic vision of the school.
  2. Holding the Headteacher and her staff to account for pupil outcomes.
  3. Financial probity – ensuring good value for money.

The National Governors’ Association adds a fourth, as do we:

  • Considering the views of all stakeholders.

I feed back as often as possible to all stakeholders to let everyone know how the various stakeholders feel about the effectiveness of the school.

Governors were especially pleased to see the results of parental surveys obtained during some of the parents’ evenings this year, (Years 7, 8 & 9.)

Each parent was asked to rate the following areas on a scale – strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree:

The school has high expectations for my child
My daughter feels safe at this school
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved
My child does well at this school
My daughter is happy at this school
Teaching is good
The school is effective led and managed
The school makes me know what my child will learn during the year.
The school lets me know how my child is doing
The school supports my child’s wider personal development

In sample sizes ranging from 25% to 35% of each year group, 97.5% of year 7 parents agreed or strongly agreed with ALL the above statements. Even when slightly larger cohorts of parents were asked, 92% of year 8 parents and 95% of year 9 parents also agreed or strongly agreed with ALL statements. Nearly all responses are above the national average. Governors felt the results were an overwhelming endorsement that the school does a lot that is appreciated for parents and students.

Obviously, some parents had reason to contact school for bullying or other concerns. These were very small in number and over 94% of parents of these students strongly agreed or agreed that school dealt with any issues quickly and effectively.

The governing body will review the whole school data nearer the end of next term and will take on board, as staff do, any issues arising in need of action.

Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of the Governing Body

Governors – Autumn Term 2022

The Autumn Term is always a long one, don’t you think? As such, it also allows for a lot to be packed in. Reviewing some of the weekly newsletters that I always read, I am so proud of all that the girls have achieved yet again. The examples of activity, of work produced and experience, makes me realise how gifted you all are and the amazing breadth of experience the staff create for you.

I have been able to experience some of the fabulous celebrations of student work in and around school on a number of occasions this term. I am always thankful when I receive an invitation to eat food – and that is just what I did at the Language and Literature Festival cake competition! Not only did the cakes taste good but the decorations were superb. I await an annual invitation! Totally different senses were awakened when I observed, listened and commented on the recitations delivered by students for their LAMDA accreditation. I listened to one group, while Mrs Siviter, a recently co-opted governor, listened to another. I loved listening to speeches, extracts and poems that I hadn’t heard before and want to thank Mrs Cattanach for inviting our help.

Another two occasions when I enjoyed evenings in school, were for the Open Evening, where we welcome prospective students to look around our school, and Awards Evening, where we celebrate the achievements of those who have just left. Both occasions fill me with immense pride and are evenings when I can see proud and excited students at their best. It is quite an honour to see the start and end of their journeys with us and to witness their growth during those short five years!

We have also experienced lows to go with those highs; we all celebrated the 70-year reign of the Queen earlier in the summer and then mourned her loss with the country in September. We, in school, also mourned the loss of one of our staff that very week. I have heard it said that sorrow is the price we pay for love. We always retain the memories of those we have loved and lost though.

I know that with the New Year coming upon us fast, we will be able to look forward to greater things. We have a full governing board, and all members are ambitious for the future of the school. On the board’s behalf, I would like to wish our whole school community a restful break and enjoyable time spent with those you love.

Ms Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of Governors

Governors News – Summer Term 2022

There are always some elements of the summer term that are quite stressful, but always many that we enjoy! It is that balance that makes the life of this school so enjoyable.

Our Year 11s made it through the stress of final GCSE exams and came out the other side relatively unscathed; we now look forward with anticipation to see if they have realised their ambitions when the results are published in August. Many parents will have gone through the stress of finding that ‘right’ dress for the final event also, not to mention the hair, tan and nails! All other year groups have received acknowledgement of their learning this year too and we love to see the results of all the hard work. Governors have approved the 2022/23 budget and finalised the outturn statement for 2021/22. We have, as a governing board, started to consider the implications of the White Paper ‘Opportunity for All’ and the SEND Green Paper both presented to government this term, and we will continue to discuss educational issues raised by them in the context of what is in the best interests of Penwortham Girls’ High School.

On the positive side, summer allows for reflection on the successes of the year and we look forward to the new year to come. As I write this, we have just celebrated Sports’ Day successes, its format altered slightly to cater for the heat, and the team spirit it engenders too. Well done to all who took part whether spectator, participant or helper. Last week, staff confirmed senior student roles for next year; thank you to the outgoing year 11s who have performed their roles so successfully and congratulations to next year’s year 11 seniors who we know will rise to the challenge.

This week, we also have the ‘The Sound of Music’ spectacular to look forward to and even though I have not yet attended as I write this, I know it will be brilliant; there is always so much work put into these events by so many staff and students (lots of them behind the scenes) that we always appreciate the final outcome.

Thank you to all of you (staff, students, parents, governors) for another successful year and on behalf of the governors, please let me wish you all a restful and enjoyable summer break.

Mrs Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of Governors

Spring Term 2022 News

The governing board has had another busy term, albeit one of the shortest. It has been incredible to see so many parents engage in our Parent Governor Election also; I think there were more votes than I have ever known! Governors met a couple of weeks ago to confirm the election decisions and to welcome the two new parent governors. At the same time, we also confirmed the nomination of our Local Authority Governor.

It is worth mentioning here that each school’s governing board has several different governor categories. We have 2 parent governors, 1 local authority governor, 1 staff governor, the Headteacher and 10 co-opted or community governors. Each governor has his or her own nominated role and we enjoy many visits (in normal times) to school to carry these out. You may also see many of us at school events. Each category of governor might be appointed in a different way, but each governor has the same rights as any other and no one governor can act alone; we are a corporate body.

We have, despite intermittent restrictions, conducted a great many visits and training sessions again this term. Many governors attended school during the STEM festival, as I did, and I also visited many classrooms while students were completing the class quiz at the end of the festival also! Things were extremely competitive! The buzz around school was palpable and it was clear to see the impact on the students, and on the staff. Well done to all concerned – it was a huge success. That same week, I attended staff professional development sessions related to safeguarding and to Special Educational Needs so there was also evidence of the serious side of teaching. PGHS staff have an incredible ability to motivate and create enjoyable learning experiences for the girls, whilst at the same time creating a safe and caring environment. We are so lucky to be part of this school community.

Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of Governors

Parental Survey 2021

I can’t quite believe it was pre-Covid when I last reported on our parental survey via the newsletter. It seems like so much has changed since then. Certainly, much has changed in the world since then but in reviewing our parental survey, it seems that much of what you love about the school has remained or improved!

  • In terms of non-academic criteria, from your perspective, you rated the following five areas to be the main strengths – school communication, levels of homework, school discipline, developing moral values and school security.
  • The following areas had made significant improvement: school communication, teaching quality, availability of resources and truancy control.
  • None of the criteria reviewed showed a decline since the previous survey two years ago.
  • Parents considered that the school had made significant improvement in rewarding and celebrating achievement.
  • More parents (89%) rate the school as good or very good than in the previous survey.
  • 92% of parents would recommend this school.

The survey highlighted the fact that three criteria have increased in importance to you over the last two years; these are the happiness of your daughter, her confidence and the care of teachers. I feel that this reflects society and the influence of the pandemic, but rest assured, these areas are of great importance to school also. All similar schools performed in the same way.

In terms of the 12 Parent View questions asked, outstanding ratings were given to many elements – too many to mention! Of note though are the following areas which were rated outstanding – control of bullying, developing potential, teaching quality, the right amount of homework and regular marking of work.

The report also equated some of the scoring to Ofsted areas of judgement. Under behaviour and attitudes, all areas were rated outstanding. Under personal development, I am pleased to report that the following areas, amongst others, were rated outstanding – treating all pupils fairly and promoting racial harmony. Overall, the rating for the school is outstanding.

On behalf of the school and of the governing board, I would like to thank you for your contribution to the questionnaire. Your views remain a highly important indicator to us, along with the views of your daughters and of their staff, in showing us whether we are prioritising the right areas. It would appear that we are! I am especially pleased to see the increase in satisfaction with the way school rewards and celebrates achievement; I feel this should be influential in helping your daughters to increase in confidence and happiness after the turmoil of the last two years.

Finally, the governors would like to wish you all a happy, restful and safe festive period.

Mrs L Russell-Hayes
Chair of Governors

Mr H Jackson – Years of Service to the School

Howard Jackson, Vice-Chair of Governors above received a certificate from the Lancashire Association of School Governing Bodies, in recognition of his service to the school.

Howard first joined as a member of the PTA in 1988 as his daughter started at the school. He became chair of that body and used his influence to raise funding for the school via a number of events, such as jumble sales and gala stall sales. He also helped to paint scenery for drama productions and could often be found in school on Saturday mornings!

He was invited by the then headteacher to join the governing body, which he did in 1991. He has served as Chair, Vice-Chair and member of the Finance committee over many years and is currently Vice-Chair overall. Howard uses his influence as a Rotarian and as member and now Captain of Penwortham Golf Club in activities and events in the local community.

He has only praise for the school which he knows as parent, community leader and governor – inside and out! His two daughters attended the school; Samantha is a Detective Police Inspector and Melanie is a primary teacher locally.

Howard is not leaving the governing body just yet but wishes to explore possibilities for young golfers who might be interested in joining the junior section of his golf club.

We would like to thank Howard for his service of over 30 years as governor with Penwortham Girls’ High School, in the hope he remains a governor for a few more years yet!

Mrs L Russell-Hayes
Chair of Governors

  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award