Governors News

Summer Term 2023

This has been another eventful term for us all and an incredibly different year as we start to plan for a different future.

On behalf of governors, I very much enjoyed attending the arrival of the year 11s at their valedictory celebration at Ribby Hall. The weather kept dry for long enough to see the girls arrive in their finery and in an array of vehicles! They so much deserved to put all their hard work during and in the lead up to their exams behind them.  We all wish them the success they deserve when we see them again in August!

The governors have been kept busy this term in all the usual ways but also in putting together the recruitment process for a new headteacher, who we hope to appoint in the autumn to start January 2024. It is a bittersweet process for all of us who appreciate how far the school has developed under Mrs Pomeroy’s tenure and how much she, herself, has been responsible for driving its journey over the past 12 years to the incredible position we are now in. Mrs Pomeroy knows the time is now right for her and, importantly, right for the school’s future. With the new building on the horizon, it will also be a time of excitement and further development and we relish these opportunities to grow.

Rest assured, none of us will lose impetus or focus over the next term! We have just shared an evening with the prospective year 7s and have also enjoyed a spectacular Commonwealth Celebration. As I write this, we still have all our end of year enrichment activities to come, so there is never any down time! Our enrichment calendar is something the school and governors are rightly proud of, and I recently had the opportunity to share this good practice with other Lancashire Chairs of Governors at our forum. All members of the Senior Leadership Team have responsibilities and we, as governors, appreciate the drive and enthusiasm of each one of them. Whilst acknowledging them all, I would especially like to thank Mrs Honeyman for all her work on our enrichment calendar this term and for Mrs Cattanach’s work to ease transition for our new year 7s and in preparing our Celebration Evening.

From myself and on behalf of all the governors, I want to thank all our hard-working staff (teaching and non-teaching) for their continued dedication this year. We may not find time to acknowledge you all by name, but we appreciate our good fortune in having such a highly skilled workforce. We never take you for granted.

To all our students and their families, we thank you for your support and hard work during the year; we hope the relationship with school continues to be a positive and fruitful one.

Have a lovely summer and be safe!

Lorimer Russell-Hayes

Chair of Governors


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award