This is a moment of change for PGHS as we move to a new Headteacher and look forward to a new school building. It is also a moment of great reflection.
Governors were happy to announce the arrival of a new Headteacher 12 years ago when Mrs Pomeroy arrived, but we couldn’t imagine just what success she would lead the school towards. When governors have considered just how the school has changed over those 12 years, we find it hard to believe just how much has been achieved. The physical school building has changed enormously to include a welcoming entrance and music area, a drama studio, a dance studio, a languages area, revitalised science laboratories and sports facilities, the training suite, a fit for purpose staff area, a new library area, a humanities extension of three additional classrooms and a smart, welcoming, vibrant modern school in which to learn and to teach. I’m sure I have forgotten many things too! All the above have ensured a high quality environment for certain, but our school is so much more than that. Under Mrs Pomeroy’s leadership, we have risen to a school outstanding in all areas, as judged by Ofsted. Simultaneously, teaching is outstanding, students learn effectively and with enjoyment and so results have now risen to the point where students achieve way above expectations, with progression rated in the top 3 in Lancashire and the top performing schools across the country. Mrs Pomeroy – that is some legacy, and we are as proud as you must be at the changes made during your leadership. And honestly, I don’t believe that actually does your tenure real justice!
So, what comes next? Well, for Mrs Pomeroy, it must be the freedom to spend time with her family and more time away travelling to far flung areas of the globe! She has many interests and hobbies so will certainly never sit still but here’s hoping she discovers new ones too. We all wish you a happy, fulfilled and joyous retirement and that you come back to see us too!
For PGHS, we very much welcome Mrs Hall to her post in January and towards the new building project. We wish you as much success in your role also.
For our school community as a whole, I wish you, on behalf of the governing body, much enjoyment and relaxation during our school break and we look forward to seeing you refreshed and well in 2024.
Ms Lorimer Russell-Hayes
Chair of Governors