There is an air of change in the governing board this term – an excitement to look forward to the new school year!
Sometimes, a change in Ofsted’s focus brings an air of doom but the new framework that starts in September 2019 has made us all review current practice. Of course, with our current outstanding status, we are still exempt from routine inspections but that does not stop us from taking on board some of Ofsted’s recommendations which are rooted in much research. We are never complacent and we never want to stand still. As a governing board, we have each had a chance to air our views on how we currently manage our meetings and how we organise our work. We will begin the new year with a newly organised meeting structure and revised focus areas.
We have this term undertaken a group training session, as well as the training each of us undertakes each year. We are keen to welcome new governors who will start with us in September but will also thank those who are leaving us this term; one member of staff we, as a governing board, wish to thank especially, is our clerk Catherine Arrowsmith who has kept us organised and prepared in all elements of our work for a number of years now – we will miss you Catherine and we wish you well in your future working life.
Each year, each of us focuses on an aspect of school improvement. We try to become experts in our own areas and to meet with relevant members of staff as required. One area I have been reviewing this term is that of Parent Voice. You will be aware that we ask your views via Parent Forum and the Kirkland Rowell Parental Survey on a regular basis but we also employ internal short questionnaires to gauge your views when you attend parents’ evenings.
Obviously, we have parent governors who sit on the governing board but these questionnaires give us more information to add to student views and staff views that we also collect and analyse.
Our internal questionnaires appear very positive. Over 5 parents’ evenings this academic year, we asked you for your views on the eight statements below.
Agree or strongly agree
Disagree or strongly disagree
My daughter enjoys school
I am pleased with my daughter’s progress
Teaching is good at this school
The school meets my daughter’s individual needs
The school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour
The school keeps my daughter safe
The school is effectively led and managed
The school is meeting my expectations
Our externally validated and analysed report appears to confirm much of the same but gives greater detail. Some notable findings of the most recent report, which is based on the year September 2018 to March 2019, are outlined below:
• 93% of Year 7 parents said they would recommend this school to other parents. The overall rating in this area has remained high for the last 4 years.
• 84% of parents would rate the school as good or very good at ensuring new students settle in well.
• Over 70% of all parents who responded said that this school develops potential in students, that teachers are caring and that parents’ evenings give valuable information.
• 75% of parents said that the school gives the right amount of homework, 73% said this includes the right amount of challenge and 77% said the marking of work is regular and effective.
• In terms of what the school does well, parents rated most highly the discipline and security, the development of moral values, the control of bullying, school facilities and social health education.
• In terms of what parents felt the school needed to develop, was the area of the celebration and achievement of rewards; you will be aware that this is an area the school – and particularly Mr Ward and Mr Ramsdale – have been developing this year and have improved further for September.
Obviously, these questionnaires are only reliable if they contain findings from most parents; as a school, we are lucky to have involved and engaged parents so please continue to give your views in this way. During the course of next year, as many governors as possible will continue to attend events at which you are present so that we can continue to hear your views informally also.
As we near the end of this academic year, can I thank you, on behalf of the governing board, for your continued support and challenge and wish you an enjoyable summer break.
Lorimer Russell-Hayes (Chair of Governors)