One of the most common requests the English Department receive at Parents’ Evening is for advice on ways to encourage students to read at home. Sadly, students who were once avid readers become more engaged with new technologies once they reach high school and seem more interested in their mobile phones than their favourite authors! I’m not advocating removing the use of social media – it is a vital way of staying connected during the current situation – many authors have their own websites with games and further reading (JK Rowling’s ‘Pottermore’ website is just one example).
However, research has proven time and time again that reading does not just support English, it also develops the skills of decoding that are vital for success in Science and Maths. This helpful chart provides a few ideas for simple ways parents can support their children.
In addition, the English Department provide reading recommendations each term. We have chosen these as they run alongside and support the term’s scheme of work and key theme. These will be inside your daughter’s English book.