Weekly Life Skills Topic w/c 3 July

On Monday after school our Year 9 Rounders team competed in the South Ribble Rounders Tournament at Priory Academy. We were very lucky to escape the rain and thunderstorms and it was a fantastic event. The girls played 6 matches and made such good progress throughout the competition by winning 2, drawing 1 and losing 3, finishing in 5th position overall. They demonstrated some great Rounders skills with impressive catches, quick thinking fielding and scored some amazing Rounders from strong batting techniques. Well done, girls! The team were Hattie C, Elizabeth B-R, Ruby R, Charlotte P, Georgia J, Amy L, Darcey P, Emma S, Lexi P, Evie H, Natalie K and Natalie U.
Mrs Tompson
Performance, Sports and Health
On Friday, 16th of June our U14 Athletics team attended the South Ribble Athletics Championship. Despite the 30 degree heat, our athletes were on fire and achieved some fantastic times and distances thrown and jumped. Overall, our Y7 team finished in 1st place, our Y8 team came in 2nd place and our Y9 team also achieved second place (just missing out on 1st position). The whole team performed with ambition and dignity but a special mention has to go to the girls below for their outstanding performances on the day:
Jasmine H – 1st place 100m and 1st place Long Jump
Mariella M – 1st place 100m and 1st place Long Jump
Esther I – 1st place 200m
Phoebe M – 1st place Shot Put
Phoebe M, Esther I, Phoebe B, Jasmine H – 1st place Y7 relay
Pixie H – 2nd place 800m and 1st place Shot Put
Holly L – 2nd place 100m
Freya G – 2nd 300m
Saffiyah R – 2nd place Discus
Marianna N, Katie O, Amber S, Holly L – 2nd place Y8 relay
Caitlin P, Saskia H, Neve H and Mariella M – 2nd place Y9 relay
Caitlin P – 3rd place 200m
Katie O – 3rd place 200m
Sana H – 3rd place Discus
We would also like to say a massive congratulations to three girls who achieved South Ribble records:
Phoebe M (Y7) – Shot Put
Jasmine H (Y7) – Long Jump
Neve H (Y9) – 300m
I hope your records will be there for years to come. A fantastic achievement! Well Done!
Mrs Naylor
Curriculum Leader for Performance, Sports and Health
Last week, our Year 7 and Year 8 and 9 Football Teams were given the opportunity to play football against Penwortham Priory Academy at Manchester City’s Training Academy (part of the Etihad in Manchester). This is where the youth teams and ladies team train. This was such a fantastic opportunity for the girls to experience playing at the impressive facilities of a professional football club, something some of them aspire to playing for themselves one day. They were extremely hot conditions, but the girls performed exceptionally, demonstrating high levels of skill, ability, teamwork and sportsmanship. We even managed to see some of the impressive trophies! A lovely, memorable morning was had by all that attended. Well done, girls!
Mrs Tompson
Performance, Sports and Health
The new Year 7 Baking Club has been a huge success this term. So far, students have made cupcakes and then decorated them with coloured buttercream and lots of sprinkles. They have also made flapjacks this week. Next week, we will be making vegan brownies, with pancakes to follow and for the pièce de résistance…a lemon meringue roulade!
Year 8s have been conducting food science investigations to understand the functional and chemical properties of yeast in bread. Students have then made their own bread using yeast as their raising agent.
Mrs Scott
Food Technology Co-ordinator
I have just completed my second placement here at PGHS in the Art department. I have had a wonderful experience and I’ve loved getting to know the students and staff. With my year 7 classes, we have embarked on a toy project inspired by the work of Michael Craig Martin with some brilliant outcomes. We have since moved on to creating some coral pods out of clay inspired by our trip to the aquarium; the students have got some really interesting textures and beautifully crafted pieces. With my year 8 class, we have worked on painting final pieces for their portraiture project, with students showing some fantastic end results. We have just begun a cells textiles project and the students are already showing promising results. In my year 9 classes, we completed our animal eye project using a wide range of media with the students showing real skill and bravery by experimenting with new media. They have since begun work on a graffiti and street art topic with some lively debates about the place for graffiti and street art in our society. My year 10 class has finished off their natural forms project with some wonderful final pieces inspired by the work of Laly Mille. They have since moved on to their extended project and the group have made a really promising start. With our year 11 group, I was lucky enough to be able to support them in the lead-up to their exams and the results from the exam were really exciting to look at. Well done, girls!
Thank you so much to all the students and staff for making me feel so welcome in the school. A special thank you to the Art and Technology department for all your help and support!
Here are some lovely examples of KS3 students’ work.
Miss Williams
Student Teacher
Key Stage 3 Computing
This final half term sees Year 7 exploring digital media. They are exploring social media influencers and looking at why they have a huge impact in young people’s lives. The students will be creating an interactive presentation all about these social media influencers that includes sound and videos.
Year 8 are learning about designing their own music festival and they have planned a website as if they were promoting this. The students are incorporating a variety of features into their websites, including scrolling text. They are investigating the programming language HTML that sits behind the websites and are starting to write some HTML codes to help produce them.
Year 9 are learning about media and have looked at some of the theory behind films. They have looked at a range of audiences and purposes and also have also learnt about different narrative structures and character types. They are working in groups and have planned a film trailer for a teenage audience with a purpose of escapism. The students have produced their scripts and have started to film. To finish their product, they will then edit the video clips and incorporate sound effects for the trailer. I am looking forward to seeing what the students produce as there are some interesting ideas.
GCSE Computer Science
This term has seen the year 11 cohort complete their GCSE Computer Science exams. They have been an absolute pleasure to teach and have worked exceptionally hard and made me extremely proud! Good luck, girls in your future career paths!
Year 10 have completed all the theory for paper 1, Principles of Computer Science. This theory consists of systems architecture and software, looking at data representation including binary, hexadecimal and sound. They have also learnt about networks and how different networks are structured and work, including the internet. In addition, they have looked at a variety of security issues and ethical and environmental issues surrounding Computer Science including legislation. You have all worked extremely hard this year. I look forward to next year when we will focus on paper 2 and the practical elements of the course.
BTEC Creative Media Production
Year 11 have completed their final 9-hour practical exam. There has been some amazing work produced. Well done and good luck for the future!
Year 10 have worked extremely hard and have completed their first assessment for component 1. They have had to analyse media products around the theme of ‘Teens in Media’ and had 10 hours to write a detailed report. I am very proud of their achievements. Well done, year 10!
Mrs Bennett
Curriculum Leader for the C.A.T. Faculty
On Monday 3rd July, parents/carers, staff and students have the chance to see the talented work of our GCSE Art & Design students during the Private View Event (3.30pm-6.00pm). The GCSE Art & Photography Exhibition is set to showcase a range of stunning sketchbooks and design boards as part of their Art & Design coursework.
During the Festival of Performance and Arts 2023, year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students will also be invited to visit the exhibition during their lessons all week and gain inspiration for their studies.
May I take this opportunity to thank all the Year 11 Art & Design students and Year 11 Photography students for their hard work, dedication and commitment this year.
Examples from last year’s Art Exhibition can be found here:
Miss G. Morris
Head of Art & Design and Photography