Last week saw the launch of Friendship Club by our Head Girl, India and Deputy Head Girl, Libby. The Inspiration Station (aka Room 7) was awash with girls learning to knit, playing games, such as Chess and listening to music. The atmosphere was lovely and while Libby moved from pupil to pupil teaching them to knit, India and the other girls from the Student Leadership Team joined in the activities and chatted to the girls.
Key Stage 4
Year 10 have settled well into the routine of GCSE English and are embracing the study of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (a text they will be examined on). Any students who have not yet purchased their copy of the text can still do so via Mrs Snowdon. The cost of the text is £4.20.
Year 11 have returned ready to go and we have been impressed by their attitudes. This term in Year 11, students will be studying poetry and also the 19th Century text Jekyll and Hyde or A Christmas Carol. Any students who have not yet purchased their copy of the texts can still do so via Mrs Snowdon. The cost of the text is £2.50.
All students have access to a GCSE Pod account where they will find brilliant revision pods for English Language and Literature (as well as other subjects). I would encourage all Year 11 students to be starting their preparation for the November mock exams. They should be preparing to sit English Language Paper 1 and Romeo and Juliet, and Blood Brothers for Literature. We have also launched a KS4 revision library this year in room 7, where students will find a range of revision books and practice exams to support their exam preparation. All KS4 students are welcome to access this resource.
Mrs Snowdon
Curriculum Leader for English
The Library
The PGHS Library is open every day of the week at break time and lunch time. All students are able to borrow books from the library, which is well-stocked and up-to-date with all the modern reads. All students are welcome in the library to read, complete homework or to use the computers (for homework use). Mrs Woodhouse will also be launching a Games Club in the library on a Friday lunchtime.
Bedrock Learning

As part of the school’s ongoing commitment to literacy, we use a digital literacy improvement platform called Bedrock Learning. We will be using this as part of our curriculum to teach students the language skills they need to succeed at school and beyond – with specific focusses on vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing.
As your child progresses through the curriculum they will study hundreds of words, whilst reading fiction and non-fiction texts regularly.
As their parent/carer, you can follow their progress by viewing their Knowledge Organiser within the Bedrock platform. You can also receive weekly progress reports on your child’s progress via email when you create your Bedrock parent account. You will receive a letter detailing how to set up your parent account.
You can find out more information about Bedrock Learning at You can also find additional help for parents at
Mrs Snowdon
Curriculum Leader for English
Please download using the link below to the Parents’ Guide to using Bedrock
Macmillan Coffee Morning

On the 29th September, the students and staff at PGHS will once again give their full support to Macmillan Cancer Support by taking part in the nationwide coffee morning. Since 2002, the school community has raised over £10,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support through the baking and selling cakes of all sizes and types, and the support of our local Starbucks and Costa has always been gratefully appreciated. If you would like bake a cake to support this charity event, bring them to school on the 29th September (they can be stored in the food tech room) ready for the cake extravaganza to begin at lunchtime. Last year, the students and staff raised over £325 and hopefully we can achieve this (and even more) this year. You can find out more about Macmillan Cancer Support here:
Mr Herbert
Associate Assistant Headteacher

Computing Department News
Key Stage 3 Computing
Key Stage 3 Computing has started this academic year with year 7 students starting to investigate and use a variety of programming codes ranging from Scratch to Python. In year 7, the girls will be designing and creating their own game using Scratch. The game has to be themed around healthy eating and educating others all about being healthy. The games will also have to include a variety of scripts, sprites and variables. These games will be evaluated and assessed and I am looking forward to seeing the students’ imaginative designs.
Year 8 students are building their knowledge about binary. They are going to explore the world of programming by using Python; this will develop their knowledge from year 7. The ultimate goal will be to create a mini-quiz using Python.
Year 9 students are learning about advanced programming skills using Python. Students have started to recall their previous learning from year 8 with some of the basics but will move to discovering functions, loops and more advanced programming skills.
GCSE Computer Science
Computer Science is off to a great start this academic year. Year 11 have been looking at algorithms and are starting to plan a variety of programs. They will be putting their planning into practice to ensure they can code these programs successfully.
Year 10 have made a fantastic start to Computer Science. They have learnt about the CPU components and how the CPU works, We are currently learning about a variety of storage devices and how they operate.
BTEC Creative Media Production
Year 11 media students are looking at their next component and preparing to complete the 10-hour brief that they can select to create a print (magazine) or plan and create a mini-film, TV advert or trailer. We are currently learning the skills of filming and creating a mini film trailer where they will learn how to edit film footage. I am looking forward to seeing the finished products.
Mrs Bennett
Curriculum Leader for the C.A.T. Faculty
Food Preparation and Nutrition
A warm welcome back, PGHS!
Throughout Key Stage 3, we are starting off this first rotation with learning the principles of health and safety. Students have been identifying the health, hygiene and safety hazards in the ‘Grime Scene’ set up in the Food room, testing their knowledge on a very important aspect of preparing, cooking and serving food.
Year 11 are conducting a ‘fun-a-food’ science investigation in preparation for their NEA1 (Non-exam Assessment 1 – Food Science Investigation). Their task is to bake the perfect chocolate chip cookie. To do this they will need to research how cookies are made, what ingredients are used and the functional and chemical properties of these ingredients. They will also research different methods of preparing and baking the cookies. Lots of taste testing will be happening. Will they find the ultimate method to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie?
Miss Scott
Head of Food and Nutrition

KS4 Art and Design
Within KS4 Art and Design, those students studying for their GCSE have really impressed us with their summer work. Students have undertaken research tasks in Year 10 and have made an excellent effort to kick-start their GCSE coursework. Work has included some fantastic artist research pages and some very impressive title pages alongside good examples of drawing.
Year 11 students have shown incredible commitment to their ongoing coursework as they are now immersed in their major project for submission next Spring. Over the summer they have completed some absolutely fantastic drawings in pencil, some of which have clearly taken hours and hours. We are very proud of the resilience and ambition shown in our Art students producing such detailed and time-consuming drawings.
We are looking forward to another year of amazing coursework being produced as our current Art students, and new Art students in Year 10, continue their fantastic commitment to the subject.
Mrs Gerrard
Teacher of Art and Design
Below, you can view a small sample of some of the summer homework that was produced independently. We are sure that you will agree it is very impressive!
Year 7 are settling into PGHS
Our Year 7s are clearly thriving and we’ve had some lovely feedback from both them and their parents about their first couple of weeks in school. Here’s just a small selection of what they’ve said so far:
“I like this school a lot.”
“My daughter is loving her subjects and all the engaging teachers. She is excited every morning checking what she is going to study! Thank you.”
“I am very happy with high school so far and I already feel really settled in. I am really enjoying the classes and the homework. I am trying to become an overachiever in all of my lessons!”
“l love it here. I feel so welcome here and I’m grateful for all the people who have helped me find my way (and my planner!). Thank you.”
“[My daughter is] really enjoying school. Thank you for supporting her.”
“I enjoy being able to have the choice to sit in the café or outside at lunchtime and visiting the library.”
“Good teachers and a friendly environment!”
“I think that this school is a very nice school and all the teachers I have had so far have been super nice and friendly. I personally think that the award system is very motivating to help us all be the best we can be and give 100% effort all of the time. We don’t get overloaded by homework. I look forward to having a very happy 5 years and having different teachers and being pushed harder.”
“I really enjoy spending my lunchtimes and breaktimes in the library, and the librarians are very kind.”
“The very happy, best experience possible.”
Mr Ramsdale
Senior Assistant Headteacher
Introduction to the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl

Hi! My name is India and I’m delighted to be appointed as Head Girl for the academic year 2023/2024. I have grown and excelled in the Penwortham Girls’ community, and it’s both an honour and a privilege to be given this role. Not only have I been pushed to achieve academically, but I have also had countless opportunities to express my creativity through performing arts and other artistic subjects. I hope to make my peers and teachers proud whilst in the role of Head Girl, and I hope to have a positive impact on every student at Penwortham Girls’ High School during my final year.
Together, we would love to further promote our core school values and be ambassadors for Penwortham Girls’, both in school and beyond. We believe PGHS is an exceptional school, and we are so excited to take on the roles of Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl.
Hello! I’m Libby and I’m delighted to be appointed to the role of Deputy Head Girl at Penwortham Girls’. Since starting in Year 7, the school has provided me with so many great opportunities, and I am really looking forward to helping the school to continue to provide these opportunities for future generations of students. PGHS is a school which pushes its students to be their very best and nurtures them both academically and as individuals. Our school is a lovely community to be a part of, which has really helped me grow and challenge myself into becoming a confident, hard-working student. I can’t wait to work alongside my peers and make our school even better!