Hi! My name is India and I’m delighted to be appointed as Head Girl for the academic year 2023/2024. I have grown and excelled in the Penwortham Girls’ community, and it’s both an honour and a privilege to be given this role. Not only have I been pushed to achieve academically, but I have also had countless opportunities to express my creativity through performing arts and other artistic subjects. I hope to make my peers and teachers proud whilst in the role of Head Girl, and I hope to have a positive impact on every student at Penwortham Girls’ High School during my final year.
Together, we would love to further promote our core school values and be ambassadors for Penwortham Girls’, both in school and beyond. We believe PGHS is an exceptional school, and we are so excited to take on the roles of Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl.
Hello! I’m Libby and I’m delighted to be appointed to the role of Deputy Head Girl at Penwortham Girls’. Since starting in Year 7, the school has provided me with so many great opportunities, and I am really looking forward to helping the school to continue to provide these opportunities for future generations of students. PGHS is a school which pushes its students to be their very best and nurtures them both academically and as individuals. Our school is a lovely community to be a part of, which has really helped me grow and challenge myself into becoming a confident, hard-working student. I can’t wait to work alongside my peers and make our school even better!