The Chase

The Chase returned for a second year at the STEM Festival, hosted by Penwortham Girls’ answer to Bradley Walsh (Mr Dean). It’s a great opportunity for the students to start to see the links between STEM subjects rather than viewing them as entirely separate disciplines.  It was also a chance for some friendly competition between the staff and students. Five volunteers from each year group, representing their form groups, competed against a member of staff to answer a wide range of STEM related questions, aiming to answer enough correct answers to make it through to the final chase. However, each year group had no idea who they would be facing. Would it be the Smiling Assassin (Mrs Byard), the Beast from the North-East (Mrs Snowdon) or the Ber Linguist (Mrs Ingram)?

There were some fantastic performances from the students, but a special mention has to go to Amber S. Amber was the only year 8 student to make it to the final chase but then went on to singlehandedly beat the chaser!

Mr Coogan

Science Department

STEM Festival: ‘Pennies to Pounds’ Fair

During the STEM festival, the gym was used as the location for a very successful ‘Pennies to Pounds’ Fair, where over one hundred buddy groups sold their goods and products over two days. Prior to the start of the fair, students in each buddy group had been working hard to raise capital for their business by selling shares to friends and family.  They then marketed and made their products in preparation for the big selling opportunity.  There was a wide range of goods on offer: food, drinks, handmade cards, soaps, raffles and tombolas, jewellery, to name only a few. The groups will now have to record their business costs and profits and pay back their shareholders.  Each buddy group has chosen a charity that they would like to donate their profits to, with a range of local and national charities represented. The fairs were supported superbly by the school community and it was fantastic to see students of all ages working together to make their businesses a success.

Mr Herbert

Associate Assistant Headteacher

MFL Department News – Spring Term 2023

It has been a busy term here in the languages department.  A huge well done to Year 11 who have worked hard in preparing for their speaking exams ready for the second week back after the Easter holidays.  All our students have been preparing their chosen theme for the conversation, writing their presentations and practising some sample questions in advance.  Remember that Mrs Gill’s class have a speaking masterclass on Thursday 13th April 10am – 12pm in room 26.

Year 7 have been busy in German learning about pets and families and are now learning about free time and sports and Year 8 have been learning about TV, films and reading.  Year 9 have been learning about German music, bands and festivals and we even sampled some German music such as Rammstein, Helene Fischer and Namika who was the most popular…actually, we really liked ‘Ein Gummibär’!  Year 10 have been busy learning about free time activities and festivals in Germany and have found out about how much our German friends like to party!

Mrs Gill

Curriculum Leader for MFL

Posted in MFL

National Apprenticeship Week

Visit to the BAE Systems Apprentice Open Event

On the 9th February I took a small group of Year 11 Design Technology students to the BAE ASK Centre at Salmesbury.  This was an amazing opportunity for them to find out about the world-class apprenticeship programmes offered by BAE Systems, covering everything from Logistics to Business Adminstration and the various engineering roles.

Our students were able to meet with apprentices and hear exactly what it’s like to work and learn at the ASK centre, which has a welcoming part-university, part-workplace feel.  Along the way we bumped into some former PGHS students, and they are thriving at BAE!

The visit was so inspiring that two students have since gone on to apply for an apprenticeship and I really hope they are successful.

Mr Ramsdale

Senior Assistant Headteacher

Year 10 Netball

Congratulations to our Year 10 netball team who won all their games at the South Ribble Netball Tournament on Tuesday 21st March at All Hallows Catholic High School. The game against Balshaw’s was a draw (4-4). PGHS was the runner up with just a 2 goal difference. Our girls were outstanding as a team, demonstrating excellent netball skills all the way through the tournament with a massive goal difference on the score cards against other schools. Very well played, girls! A commendable achievement as a team! 

Team players were: Charlotte B, Ella H, Lucy R, Hanya A, Neve G, Lottie J, Maisie K, Lydia R and Caitlin J. 

Miss Shahi

PE Department

Posted in PE

Year 7 Sportshall Athletics Lancashire County Finals 

On Wednesday 22nd March, the Year 7 Sportshall Athletics Team travelled to Blackpool Sports Centre in the Lancashire County Finals to represent South Ribble. The girls competed in track and field events against winners from all the other areas around Lancashire with 14 different schools competing. The girls have been practicing really hard over the past few months and it certainly paid off. It was quite nerve-wracking performing in front of so many other schools but the team really did do us proud. 

We finished in 7th place out of 14 which is a fantastic achievement in a County competition! 

The girls are already looking forward to progressing further in summer Athletics after Easter and we can’t wait to watch them develop and hopefully be back in the Sportshall Athletics County Finals as Year 8s next year. 

Massive well done and congratulations to the whole team – Jasmine, Esther, Isabelle, Darcey, Phoebe, Boadicea, Chloe and Ida. 

Mrs Tompson 

Performance, Sports and Health

Posted in PE

Year 10 CaREers: Journalism

One of the most wonderful things about taking RS at GCSE is all the fascinating careers the subject can lead to. Here at Penwortham Girls, we think it’s crucial that students experience first-hand how their knowledge and skills is useful for real life careers.

This term, year 10 have enjoyed stepping into the shoes of journalists to investigate the miracle at Lourdes.

As part of the GCSE SPEC, students must know why Christians go on pilgrimage to Lourdes and what they do there. Before students wrote their final newspaper article, they spent one lesson looking at what pilgrims do in Lourdes today. The documentary ‘Sacred Journeys: Lourdes’ allowed students to follow a group of soldiers on their pilgrimage journey. Watching this video really helped bring the practices alive for students. They then spent a second lesson analysing blogs and news articles about the miracles which the church claims have taken place at Lourdes.

Students enjoyed making notes using the Cornell-note taking method, just like a real-life journalist!

Students then pieced all their knowledge together into a newspaper article. The teachers were blown away with their depth, detail and evaluation skills. It is clear that we have some budding journalists on the course. Just look at some of these captivating examples! They should be very proud of their work.

Miss Hollier

Religious Studies Department

Posted in RE

Routes into Languages

Routes into Languages Year 7 German Spelling Bee

Our year 7 German Spelling Bees have been working hard towards their target of the regional final, which will take place this year at the University of Liverpool (date TBC). They have learnt 200 pieces of vocabulary so far and are able to spell these accurately using their German alphabet and phonics. The girls have been getting very competitive but have also been super supportive of each other.  They help each other with memory hooks to remember vocabulary and correct phonics. You’re doing us proud, girls! Keep your fingers crossed and watch this space for exciting news.

Routes into Languages Year 8 & 9 German Translation Bee

Our year 8 and 9 Translation Bee club continues to prove popular, and the girls are beginning to show their competitive sides! We have been building our confidence and knowledge of the 64 words needed to complete the Translation Bee and have successfully applied this to the Stage 1 and Stage 2 present and future tense sentences.

Our next stage is Stage 3 where we will use the words that we have been practising on Quizlet and Blooket to form past tense sentences. This academic year, both year 8 and 9 have covered the past tense and how we form it in German.  Mrs Ingram is looking forward to seeing their success with this. Good luck, girls!

Mrs Ingram

MFL Department

Posted in MFL
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  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award