One of the most wonderful things about taking RS at GCSE is all the fascinating careers the subject can lead to. Here at Penwortham Girls, we think it’s crucial that students experience first-hand how their knowledge and skills is useful for real life careers.
This term, year 10 have enjoyed stepping into the shoes of journalists to investigate the miracle at Lourdes.
As part of the GCSE SPEC, students must know why Christians go on pilgrimage to Lourdes and what they do there. Before students wrote their final newspaper article, they spent one lesson looking at what pilgrims do in Lourdes today. The documentary ‘Sacred Journeys: Lourdes’ allowed students to follow a group of soldiers on their pilgrimage journey. Watching this video really helped bring the practices alive for students. They then spent a second lesson analysing blogs and news articles about the miracles which the church claims have taken place at Lourdes.
Students enjoyed making notes using the Cornell-note taking method, just like a real-life journalist!
Students then pieced all their knowledge together into a newspaper article. The teachers were blown away with their depth, detail and evaluation skills. It is clear that we have some budding journalists on the course. Just look at some of these captivating examples! They should be very proud of their work.
Miss Hollier
Religious Studies Department