On Wednesday 25th November, all of Year 10 took part in a virtual careers event organised by STEMFirst. The aim of the event was to allow all of our students to hear from multiple female STEM ambassadors about their careers. This opportunity allowed students to hear from a variety of women in the field of engineering and have all of their questions answered. The STEM ambassadors who joined the event were from BAE systems, Sellafield, Orsted and James Fisher Nuclear.
Year 10 were incredibly positive about the event and it was lovely to hear such great feedback. Here are some of their comments:
“It was inspirational to hear from all the female STEM ambassadors and it has inspired me look into the different engineering opportunities available to me.”
“I feel more interested in STEM now because the ambassadors were amazing. They gave such amazing advice and made the session so engaging. I was thinking of studying English or Psychology but now I am considering Engineering because it actually seems really cool!”
Did you know:
Meet the future you!
Have you ever wondered what your skills or passions could lead to in the future?
Take this short quiz at www.mtfy.org.uk
Miss Forrest