Dear Parent / Carer
Your daughter’s last day at PGHS is fast approaching and I wanted to provide you and your daughter with help and information regarding the transition to post-16 education, employment, or training.
Firstly, I’ve attached two documents produced by Lancashire County Council, setting out information from individual sixth forms, colleges and apprenticeship providers based in Lancashire. The information is shown by provider, to help your daughter to make informed decisions about next steps, such as how to apply for a place, where to find information on courses and how to prepare for Year 12.
These documents will support the careers education, information, advice, and guidance that has been provided in school. Whilst every student has successfully applied for a place at a sixth form, college or apprenticeship provider, a number may wish to explore all their options again. Also included in the documents are links and information regarding bridging work and transition activities that will support progression from GCSE to A Level study and from BTEC Level 1/2 to higher level study.
I’ve also attached several resources relating to writing personal statements and CVs, interview preparation and college applications that may prove helpful. These were originally used in Life Skills lessons.
Also attached is a Student Guide to Awarding Summer 2021, which should help you and your daughter understand the processes we have used to determine Centre Assessed Grades.
Of course, if your daughter requires any further support, information or advice, she should contact the school.
Moving to the final day arrangements, Year 11 will leave school at 1pm on Friday 28th May. The Science exam that was originally scheduled to take place during Period 2 on this day, will now take place during Period 1. We will then have a final assembly to formally mark your daughter’s last day in school, with the opportunity for shirt-signing and photographs with teachers and friends.
If your daughter has missed a Graded Task due to an exceptional circumstance like Eid or a medical issue, her teachers will provide her with the opportunity to complete these tasks after half term, on either Monday 7th or Tuesday 8th June. Equally important, if your daughter would like to see any of her Graded Task evidence, she should arrange to do so with her teacher, during the week beginning 7th June.
Can I also take this opportunity to remind you of a couple of important dates for the diary:
Valedictory Dinner – 13th July
Results Day – 12th August
You will receive further information about these events in due course.
Finally, thank you again for all your support during these most challenging of circumstances. I look forward to seeing you on Results Day to celebrate your daughter’s achievements.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Ramsdale
Senior Assistant Headteacher
Letter to Year 11
Student Guide to Awarding in Summer
Applying to College Sessions 4 & 5
C.V Template
Key stage 4 to key stage 5 Transition Booklet
Preparing for Interview Session 6 and 7
Year 11 and 13 Apprenticeship Support