Year 7 Transition

As we have drawn to the end of the first half-term, we would like to congratulate Year 7 on the fantastic start they have made. It cannot have been easy settling in to a brand-new school in these very different times, remaining in their form bubble for each lesson, every day and having no older students to look up to during social time. However, the situation does leave many things for the girls to look forward to: meeting new friends beyond their form, exploring the many different classrooms we have in school and of course meeting their Year 8 buddies! We hope that these days are not too far away.

Each year, Year 7 students complete a transition survey which helps us to gauge how they have settled in and we thought it would be interesting for us to share some of the results with you so you can see how this year group compares with the results from previous years. 


transitionYear7pic2.PNGAs part of this survey, the girls also have the opportunity to share with us their best PGHS moment so far. Here are a few for you to read:

‘The first day when I made my first best friend, it was like I had known her my whole life.  It was so easy to talk to her. She made me feel comfortable at PGHS.’

‘I remember the best moment in PGHS was in the outdoor café. It was the best moment of my life – those giant baguette sandwiches!’

‘My best moment so far in PGHS would be when I got merits and made lots of new friends and I am having the best time at PGHS. I am loving it!’

‘My best moment at PGHS was making lots of new friends and meeting loads of amazing teachers.’

There have also been some incredible ‘All About Me’ projects this year too! Here are the form winners and those which gained highly commended:

7P Winners: Dayana E, Elizabeth B

Highly Commended: Naomi T, Claudia B, Grace B

7G Winners: Sofia W, Lydia W

Highly Commended: Hayley R, Olivia J, Juliette R, Esme H

7H Winners: Natalie K, Rosie Y

Highly Commended: Anisa A, Lois F. Niamh L, Georgina G

7S Winners: Faye G, Florence W

Highly Commended: Maisie J, Ruby R, Megan L, Mariella M

7J Winners: Ruby S, Neve C

Highly Commended: Maisy E, Lexie P, Abigail S, Kayla W

We would also like to recognise students who have been form stars this half term. These are students who have demonstrated kindness to their peers, quietly got on with everything expected of them and have therefore been a ‘star’. Well done, everyone!

7P: Olivia R     7G: Patricia K     7H: Iyla K     7S: Natalie U     7J:  Grace C

Students with the most merits in each form this term are:

7P: Elizabeth B, Phoebe B, Aysha M

7G: Lydia W, Abigail K, Grace D

7H: Hattie C, Niamh T

7S: Mariella M, Sophie S, Natalie U

7J: Abi S, Holly W, Eden F

Mrs Cattanach, Associate Assistant Headteacher & Year 7 Transition


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award