This term, Year 7 are learning about Greek Mythology before they go on to learn about the history of the English language. So far, students have Pandora’s Box and the story of Icarus. As part of their study, they have been exploring whether these myths are Historical Myths, Aetiological Myths or Psychological Myths. If your daughter is in Year 7, why not ask them to define these different types of myths. And if you have a ‘Pandora’ fan in your Year 7 daughter, ask them to explain why ‘Pandora’ is a perfectly chosen name for the retail brand.
This week, Mrs Snowdon’s English class have submitted fact-files for an in-class competition based on their own research of Greek Gods. There has been some super pieces of work completed for homework. The three winning entries are from: Niamh P, Hannah N and Sarah M.
Mrs Snowdon
Curriculum Leader for English