Dear parent / carer of Year 11 students.
Yesterday when I wrote to you, I promised I would let you know about how qualifications will be awarded as soon as further information is released. The following link makes for very interesting reading:
At present, it would appear that decisions will not be finalised until Ofqual (the examination regulatory body) and exam boards have discussed the proposals with teachers’ representatives. We are told ‘more information will be provided shortly’ (an all-too-familiar phrase this week!). I will write to you again as soon as a decision has been finalised.
In the meantime, our teaching staff are providing resources on Class Charts to enable Year 11 students to:
As I said to Year 11, this morning, they have many weeks and months ahead of them before starting the next stage of their journey. Getting prepared and keeping themselves occupied (for some of the time) with something purposeful will no doubt help them through these turbulent times.
Finally, I would like to finish by saying that, although we have said a very sad farewell to our Year 11 today, they remain very much part of our school community. I know I am speaking for all of our staff when I say that we are here to support the ‘class of 2020’ in whatever way we can. Please keep in touch and I very much look forward to welcoming back both you and your daughter to PGHS in happier and safer times.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Pomeroy