Prior to half term, the students at PGHS were exposed to a plethora of activities as part of our first Language and Literature Festival. One of our events was a William Blake Pastiche Competition. In Year 8, the topic of our curriculum for this term is ‘Coming of Age’ and as part of this topic we study the ‘Songs of Innocence’ and the ‘Songs of Experience’ by William Blake. Inspired by his written word and his artwork, our students set about writing a set of modern-day poems: one to reflect innocence, and its counterpart to reflect experience. As a department, we have been blown away by the quality of work submitted. Each class teacher had the very tricky job of choosing a winner from their class. Our winners of the Year 8 2021 Pastiche Competition are: Saskia H, Katie T, Leah C, Angel A, Ruby C and Vidhya P.
Mrs Snowdon, Curriculum Leader for English