On Friday 23rd February, we had visitors from the Hutton Grammar Sixth Form Centre. Miss Monaghan and three Geographers came to share their experience of studying the subject at A-level.
They gave a presentation on what sounded like exciting fieldwork opportunities, (at A-level, students decide their focus of study), lesson structure, topics covered and how they manage their time as A-level students. It was lovely to see Rebecca S, one of our Super Star Geographers from last year, (target – 6, achieved a grade 9), come back as part of the visit, and show current pupils, at PGHS the pathway ahead for their Geography studies.
If you want any further detail on studying A-level Geography, please drop in to see Mr Bowles who can show you a typical lesson, a textbook, some exam papers and the programme of study. Miss Monaghan at Hutton will also be happy to field any questions you might have; contact her at m.monaghan@huttongrammar.org
Mr Bowles
Curriculum Leader for Geography