The enchanting world of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” has come alive in the vibrant storyboards created by our Year 7 students.
“The Tempest,” often considered one of Shakespeare’s most magical works, transports audiences to a remote island where Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, uses his sorcery to manipulate the elements and seek justice. Through intricate illustrations and thoughtful narratives, our students have delved into the depths of this captivating tale.
Not only do these storyboards showcase the artistic talents of our students, but they also demonstrate their understanding of the complex themes present in “The Tempest.” Through their interpretations, they explore concepts of power, betrayal, forgiveness and the enduring resilience of the human spirit.
Congratulations to our Year 7 students on their impressive achievements, and may their journey through the world of Shakespeare continue!
Miss Garlick
Teacher of English & Drama