Student Work in History

Students have been working hard in their history lessons learning about a range of different topics and eras. Year 7 students have recently been working hard learning about people who rebelled against medieval kings, including Thomas Becket’s quarrel with Henry II. Year 8 students have been studying the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Preston, and year 9 pupils have been learning why and how the Holocaust happened. Year 10 students are making good progress through the GCSE course and have completed their study of USA 1910-1929 and are now learning about the reign of Elizabeth I. Year 11s have finished their final unit, Germany 1919-1991 and are preparing for the final exams in May/June.

Mr Herbert,

Associate Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader for History


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award