My name is Olivia, and I am the current student leader for charity. Over the Winter term at PGHS, we got involved in numerous charity events and raised a total of £826 for charities, including Save the Children and funded a girl’s education in Eswatini, by holding activities including a funded Christmas jumper day, the Christmas markets tombola and a Santa dash.
Over the upcoming term, we plan to take part in more charity projects and do what we can to support those in need. Currently, in our buddy groups, we have been working hard on our ‘Pennies to Pounds’ business projects, of which all our profits will go to our chosen charity. Some of the chosen charities include RSPCA, Mind, Cancer Research, Derian House, Galloways and SLEAP.
We also plan on introducing a collection for pet food to go to a pet food bank, as we would like to focus on the current issue that face struggling families who are having to choose between letting themselves, or their pets, go hungry. To attempt to combat this issue, we are asking if you can provide any dog or cat food so that less families are forced to let their pets starve, or even give them away.
Olivia, Head Girl