The Maths Department has recently updated the student homework skills grids to provide additional focus on STEAM and Financial mathematics. Successful completion of these additional tasks will be rewarded with extra merits and provide a greater insight into the usage of mathematics in the world of work.
Since 1990, the amount of jobs that utilise STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) has increased from 9.7 Million to 17.3 Million (a 78% increase). To help prepare students for this, the department has introduced STEAM questions to Years 7 and 8 to help incorporate Maths within Science based topics to show the evident link between these two subjects.
For university (and adult life), there is a growing amount of stress amongst young people today about being able to budget, knowing how to understand interest rates and understanding if you’re paying the correct amount of taxes. The department has also introduced these questions within the Year 7 and 8 booklets to give an insight into some of the financial issues that may be important later in their lives.
Mr Rhodes
Mathematics Department