Sports Day

On Monday, we hosted our annual Sports Day, a celebration of both sporting excellence and community. In uncharacteristically warm weather, each year group competed in both athletics and netball interform competitions. It was great to see so many students jumping, throwing and running to success.

Sports Day is always an inspiring occasion and this year didn’t disappoint. It was great to be able to cheer on the girls surging for the finishing line, and to encourage those persevering outside their comfort zone. Spurred on by cheering form mates and staff, there were some fantastic performances. Standout amongst our senior year 10 students was a superb 8 metre 20cm triple jump by Alexa L, a fantastic 13 metre 47cm discus throw by Olivia S, and a 45 second sprint by Lola U in the 300m. Our new year 7 are also clearly bursting with potential, with a number of standout performances, including a very impressive 1 minute 8 seconds in the 4x100m relay by 7RSN.

The netball tournaments were hotly contested with each form playing a round-robin of matches. Tight competitions in years 7 and 8 were eventually won by 7GFO and 8EHO, while 9SHS and 10SCH surged to victory without defeats! 9SHS scored an incredible 56 nets across their 4 matches!

Each form also contested a range of non-sporting challenges, including form banner, poetry and photography competitions.  This was Katie T’s effort from 8KFI:

Once there was a runner from PGHS

Who experienced much athletic stress,

Resilient and determined she ran her race

Braving the heat, she was truly an ace.

The teachers cheered, so did the crowd,

Everyone at Sports Day was wowed.

Another Penwortham Girls’ annual event ends,

Remembered as a fun day with friends.

Due to forecasted high temperatures and strong sunshine, there was some last-minute reorganisation of the day, with fan zones relocated to maximise shade and the rounders component delayed to enable a midday finish. The rounders competition will now be held on the final day of term, so in 2022 at least, we don’t have to wait a full year to relieve the thrills and spills of sporting competition! Roll on Tuesday…

Mr Ward

Senior Assistant Headteacher


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award