Solutions not Sides

Year 10 – Solutions Not Sides (SNS)

As part of the Year 10 RE enrichment offer and Core Religious Education, the school invited an organisation called ‘Solutions Not Sides’ to deliver a session to students on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Whilst our guest speakers were not able to join us due to the escalation in violence in Israel and Palestine, the girls enjoyed learning about the history of the conflict and gaining empathy for all those involved through the ‘Solutions Not Sides’ resources.

The day ties into the school’s core values of ambition for a better, more united society and social responsibility. Students had the opportunity to develop their compassion for others. This event also builds on previous events we have taken part in as a school, such as Empathy Week and the UNITEE competition.

Who are Solutions Not Sides?

Solutions Not Sides aim to tackle Antisemitism, Islamophobia and the polarisation around the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the U.K. The non-partisan programme has been formulated with the input of both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as senior members of Jewish and Muslim communities and is designed to prepare students to make a positive, solutions-focused contribution to debates on Israel-Palestine. The sessions form a critical approach to education on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. SNS use critical thinking tools and open respectful discussion with the aim of shifting attitudes away from supporting one side against the other and towards seeking a solution for the human beings involved.

For more information, please view

Whilst we understand that the topics covered are sensitive, we believe studying the Israel-Palestine conflict is a crucial part of the worldwide education and character development. I would just like to emphasise and reassure you that SNS are a completely neutral organisation. They do not promote either side of the conflict and, instead, will be promoting the idea of peace and harmony for all.

This is what some of the Year 10s had to say after the day:

“It is important to be curious about the news stories because some things we may see on social media or in the news may be biased. It is our social responsibility to ensure we don’t believe everything we see on social media because it might not be the whole story and we should try to understand the full story.” Rosie Y

“We can show compassion and dignity for all those affected by conflict by learning more about it, like we did today, and empathising with those in need.” Sophie S

“We should be ambitious and resilient in the hope for a solution for all because war shouldn’t be going on for so long because everyone deserves a peaceful life.” Nusaibah B & Alisha A-M

Miss Hollier

RE Department


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award