Religious Education – Summer Term News 2022

In RE this term, we were asked to create a project with an aim to combat Islamophobia. It had to be a captivating project that would appeal to the younger generation. Our group decided that we would make a news report video. We interviewed students, asking their opinions on Islamophobia and what they were going to do to support the abolishment of the growing issue. We had some fantastic responses, including a social media campaign called ‘Stand Up to Islamophobia’ which is active on every social media platform and aims to raise awareness. We thought this was a brilliant idea, considering that many young people have access to social media, therefore would be a great place to gain recognition and make more people aware. We edited our video by adding sounds and special effects to make it more engaging.  We hope it made many more students aware of this important topic.

Written by Sophia H, Yr9.

Police Interview

This term, Year 9s have enjoyed studying ‘Crime & Punishment’ and ‘Islamophobia’. Alongside teaching substantive knowledge, we think it is crucial that we enhance students’ personal development by informing them about career choices that link to RE.

A popular career that RE can be a great stepping stone for, is the police force. A Sergeant from Lancashire Constabulary volunteered his time to answer interview questions from our students. The students submitted their questions via a Microsoft Forms quiz and Miss Brooks categorised this into three categories for the Sergeant. Questions were answered on the following topics:

Year 8: Jewish Holocaust Memorials

This half term as part of the Jewish module, Year 8 have been studying Anti-Semitism. As an example of Anti-Semitism, we have spent three lessons looking at the suffering of the Jews during the Holocaust. We used the Windermere Children case study. As a focus, we explored how Jews became ashamed of their religion as a result of their experiences.

The year 8s were given the project of creating a Holocaust Memorial for Jewish people. They had to use their knowledge of the Jewish religion combined with their knowledge of the Holocaust to make a suitable memorial which would help them feel proud of their religion.

The teachers were blown away with the careful thought and design that was put into the creations. We have some very talented, aspiring architects!

We were so impressed with the memorials, that we wanted everybody to have a chance to see the display of incredible work. We set up a Holocaust Memorial museum which was run by our fabulous team of year 8 curators. This allowed them to see how religious knowledge could benefit them in a career.       Miss Brooks, RE Department


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award