In the Autumn term, year 11 were learning about Organic Chemistry, the study of carbon-based molecules. A key aspect of this understanding is how oil and gas formed and how we use these resources. During the Spring term, year 11 are learning about the chemistry of the atmosphere, including the greenhouse effect and how greenhouse gas emissions affect global climate.
To help tie these two units together and give the girls an insight into a new career path, we had a Zoom call with Tina Beadle, an Energy Consultant who specialises in advising large companies on how they can achieve their net zero targets. As well as explaining why these targets are so important, Miss Beadle was able to talk about life as an energy consultant. The session gave the girls some excellent information that helped to broaden their knowledge beyond the curriculum. During the Q&A at the end, the girls asked some interesting and insightful questions and came away from the session with a greater appreciation of the challenges and opportunities of working in the renewable energy industry.
Mr Coogan
Science Department