This year Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday 26th February. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the forty day period known as Lent. On Ash Wednesday, Christians attend a religious service at their local church where the priest will bless ashes and mark a sign of a cross on their foreheads. This comes from the biblical idea that all humans come from dust and will return to dust. The importance of this teaching is to highlight that we are all equal, no matter how rich you are or how powerful you are, everyone will return to dust in the same way. The practice represents that humans are sorry for having done something wrong and will spend the period of Lent making up for this, by sacrificing an item to thank God for his sacrifice through Jesus.
Even if you are not a Christian, maybe you could benefit from sacrificing something during this period of Lent. Giving up social media may help you realise what is truly important in life by spending more time with your family. Giving up fast food could help you improve your cooking skills or help you become aware of the negative effects fast food can have on your mental and physical well-being.
Miss Brooks