RE at PGHS this term

Erin Sacred Object.jpgOne of the highlights of this term in RE has been getting to know the Year 7s better through the ‘show & tell’ of their sacred objects. Every student had to bring in an object and spend 30 seconds explaining why this was special to them. It was great to learn all about the girls’ hobbies, religions, cultures, families and memories. Erin shared with us her very wellloved teddy bear. Miss Brooks was shocked to hear that he was 150 years old, making him the oldest guest to visit PGHS! This was clearly a very sacred object to Erin’s family and I’m sure he’ll be passed down for another 150 years through the family. One of the most unique objects belonged to Maryam B who brought in a secret hiding place, which was disguised as a book. It was lovely to hear that this was a sacred gift her Mum made for her and now she uses it to hide small gifts and surprises for her Mum. Ellie’s object was not the most expensive or fancy item but it has huge sentimental meaning to her, which is what sacred objects are all about. This chefs hat was made and worn by Ellie during a Primary school performance and inspired her to work towards a career in acting, with a focus on chef roles!

Miss Brooks

Religious Studies Department


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award