Last week, two Year 11 students participated in a focused science intervention to help them prepare for their upcoming GCSE exams. Their latest topic of study is the fascinating world of blood and its components.
Did you know that blood consists of four main components? Understanding these components is crucial for their biology studies and here’s a quick overview:
Red Blood Cells – These cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues. They also contain hemoglobin.
White Blood Cells – White blood cells are vital for the immune system. They help defend the body against infections and foreign invaders.
Thrombocytes – Platelets are essential for blood clotting.
Plasma – Plasma is the liquid component of blood. It transports cells.
By understanding these components and their functions, our students are gaining valuable knowledge that will not only help them excel in their GCSEs but also provide a solid foundation for future studies in biology and health sciences. Keep up the great work!
Mrs Honeyman
Associate Assistant Headteacher