Empathy Week is a global event introduced in February 2020 and involved 4000,000 students from over 48 countries. Empathy Week is an invitation for young people across the world to put empathy into action, developing the skills of leadership and resilience along the way. This year’s theme is ‘Resilience and Diversity’
The week runs from February the 22nd to the 26th and to highlight this in school we held a virtual assembly highlighting the importance of empathy as we believe this strongly links to the school’s core values of compassion and social responsibility. We are also ascertaining the girl’s views on empathy through an online quiz. Furthermore, we are aiming to involve the girls as volunteers in a project to highlight the importance of empathy and develop their leadership skills when we return to school shortly. We have chosen the themes of understanding racism and mental health issues. I am confident the girls will rise to the challenge and produce some excellent ideas and I am very much looking forward to sharing these in a future edition of the newsletter.
You can access more information about empathy week using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2Wlik5Dd7c