The Christmas celebrations start early in Germany this Wednesday, 6th December as this day marks der Nikolaustag for many families across German speaking countries and children prepare for the visit of St Nikolaus. To prepare for the visit, children should tidy their rooms and clean their toys. Shoes should be polished, and set out by the door or on a windowsill. Some children even leave a bit of hay or straw for St. Nikolas’ Donkey. They leave them outside in they hope if they’ve been good enough, Nikolaus will fill it with all kinds of sweet treats and toys. Rumour has it, that if you have not been good, then Nikolaus will leave you some twigs and sticks instead. Our KS3 classes will be testing this out next week. We will be making our German boots and setting them out ready – I wonder who will end up with treats and who will end up with twigs? Here is a video that our KS3 classes will be watching this week, explaining all about the traditional story of Nikolaustag:
Mrs Gill
MFL Department