Mr McVey’s Mysterious Maths – Exam Edition

GCSE Question Challenge in the style of the popular game show ‘The 1% Club’

As we enter GCSE exam season, I thought it would be interesting to see how students from years 7 to 10 (and parents!!) would fare on a series of GCSE Maths problem solving exam questions. Below are 5 such problems, each increasing in difficulty. Can you solve some or maybe even all of them?

Any student or parent who provides the correct solutions to the problems to Mr McVey either in person or by email, will be able to claim a fantastic reward!

Disclaimer: the percentages shown for the difficulty level of each question are not based on any actual data or survey – indeed, they have been completely made up by the author!


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award