Students across all years have been getting competitive in the Maths Department by growing and hatching monsters! The staff have been creating fun quizzes for end of topic competitions and students play the quizzes on the iPads or laptops. Students are put into teams and have to answer questions correctly to help feed and hatch their monster, which they see develop on the board. Winning teams are the most accurate, not necessarily the fastest team to create their monsters! It has been well received amongst the KS3 classes:
‘Such a fun way to test our maths and play games.’ Y8 student.
‘I love seeing the monsters hatch on the big screen as I answer questions right.’ Y7 student.
‘It’s fun not knowing which team you will be in and working together with my friends to grow the eggs.’ Y7 student.
Mathematics staff have also been using Blooket and Kahoot in lessons which gets a very competitive atmosphere in class. The year 10s have been so keen to answer the maths questions correctly (so they can ‘steal points’ off each other!)
Mrs Sweeney
Curriculum Leader for Mathematics