The French and German department have been busy this last half term preparing our Year 11 students for their final speaking exams that took place at the end of April. What a fantastic effort they all made and the standard was amazing in both foundation and higher! I am extremely proud of all our students who stepped up to this challenge and gave it their best shot. By the sounds of it though, there will be a lot of students playing football at the park or off to the cinema with their friends this weekend, so beware if you are heading out!
Frau Gill
Year 8 Abendessen – Come Dine with Me!
Frau Gill’s Year 8 German classes have been learning about the popular German TV show ‘Das Perfekte Dinner’, which is the German version of ‘Come Dine with Me’. We have listened to an episode of the show and read a storyboard about it with the 4 guests each welcoming the other contestants into their homes. The other contestants then grade and mark their menus, food, decorations in the home and the entertainment that they provide. We met a very grumpy lady called ‘Linda’ in the show, who thought the food was ‘steinhart’ and the host was ‘unhöflich’! Following on from that, we then designed our own storyboards with our own menus and scenarios. Here are some wonderful examples from Lily W, Leila SC and Jess R. Well done to all!
Frau Gill
Studying two languages from Year 8
Every year, around 60 students, (mostly from the two top sets in Year 7 German) have the opportunity to start learning French in Year 8 as an additional foreign language alongside studying German. If your child is in a different set (i.e. not Set 1 or 2) but has a special interest in learning French next year, please ask them to let their teacher know or email: or
Teachers will soon be speaking to their classes about languages in Year 8.
Here are some comments from two Year 8 students who started studying both languages in September:
“One reason why I love doing both French and German is the variation; I love having a mix of French and German every week. I would definitely take French if you get the chance. It is such a nice language to learn and the same goes for German. Even though you only start French in Year 8, I wouldn’t say I am less fluent than German, as in my opinion, it is quite an easy language. If you are thinking about two languages, I wouldn’t worry. It is not as overwhelming as it sounds. I would definitely recommend it!” Jess
“In Year 8, you have the option to take up French. Both languages are an amazing experience to fuel your curiosity and I am sure you will enjoy it greatly”. Caitie
Studying both languages also enables students to choose one or the other at GCSE or they can also study both languages. Here are the thoughts from two of our dual linguists:
“Studying two languages helps us to develop skills in both. The German and French languages can often have similarities and comprehension of one, helps understanding of the other. Studying other languages can open a lot of doors and opportunities in the future, such as working abroad and working with people from other countries. We are very lucky to have the chance to study both, as if you have an interest in languages, it’s a good opportunity to develop and strengthen them and is a great learning experience. We would recommend it to anyone who is interested in languages or wants to study them in the future!” Holly and Nusaibah
Mrs Gill
Curriculum Leader for MFL